
Articles which are freely available

Romney and Trump

This F#$%ing Decade This F#$%ing Decade

For years, media and political elites refused to acknowledge the growing racism and radicalism of the Republican party. Their “both-sidesism” led to Trump’s GOP takeover.

Dec 31, 2019 / Joan Walsh

This Was the Decade of Feminist Uprisings in Latin America

This Was the Decade of Feminist Uprisings in Latin America This Was the Decade of Feminist Uprisings in Latin America

The “green wave” emerged in response to staggering rates of femicide, and then began mounting challenges to the highly restrictive abortion laws in the region.

Dec 31, 2019 / Zoë Carpenter

A Decade That Changed the Nation

A Decade That Changed the Nation A Decade That Changed the Nation

A look back on the stories that shaped the past 10 years, and helped inform the fight for a more radical and equitable future.

Dec 23, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel and D.D. Guttenplan

Take Action Now: Protect Workers’ Rights

Take Action Now: Protect Workers’ Rights Take Action Now: Protect Workers’ Rights

Demand paid family leave, fight for graduate workers rights to organize, and support worker power across sectors.

Dec 17, 2019 / NationAction

Take Action Now: Stand Up for Our Climate

Take Action Now: Stand Up for Our Climate Take Action Now: Stand Up for Our Climate

As negotiators this week decide the future of the Paris agreement, it’s critical that we take bold action.

Dec 10, 2019 / NationAction

Female Inmate Jail Cell

Take Action Now: Fight to End Mass Incarceration Take Action Now: Fight to End Mass Incarceration

Tell your lawmaker to visit a prison; call on Congress to reduce excessive sentencing; and help people make bail.

Nov 27, 2019 / NationAction

Take Action Now: Stop the EPA’s Assault on Our Natural Resources

Take Action Now: Stop the EPA’s Assault on Our Natural Resources Take Action Now: Stop the EPA’s Assault on Our Natural Resources

Tell Congress to ban toxic pesticides and support lawyers tackling EPA rollbacks, plus call on the Senate to hold a fair impeachment trial.

Nov 20, 2019 / NationAction

Live Chat: November 20 Debate Night

Live Chat: November 20 Debate Night Live Chat: November 20 Debate Night

Join The Nation’s national affairs correspondents and contributing writers during tonight’s Democratic debate for up-to-the-minute commentary and analysis.

Nov 20, 2019 / The Nation

Election 2018 Nevada Voters

Take Action Now: Protect Voting Rights Take Action Now: Protect Voting Rights

Tell your representatives to reinstate key voter protections, and head to the polls on election day to help guard against assaults on voters’ rights.

Nov 12, 2019 / NationAction

Former Vice President Joe Biden

Democrats Have Better Choices Than Biden Democrats Have Better Choices Than Biden

His long record of poor judgment and cozying up to bankers makes him the wrong candidate to take on Donald Trump.

Nov 7, 2019 / The Nation
