Raging Pandemic, Anemic Response Raging Pandemic, Anemic Response
Americans suffer while the GOP dithers.

Georgia Senate Peach Georgia Senate Peach
Fundraising hell-raising.
Dec 7, 2020 / OppArt / Melinda Beck

Waiting on the Vaccine Waiting on the Vaccine
As cases rise, urgency grows.
Dec 5, 2020 / OppArt / Tjeerd Royaards

Still Essential Still Essential
Recognizing essential workers. Essentially Brooklyn mural, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC, 2020.
Dec 4, 2020 / OppArt / Los Muralistas de El Puente

Take Care, Big Apple! Take Care, Big Apple!
Covid cases are rising at an alarming rate in cities big and small.
Dec 3, 2020 / OppArt / Andrea Arroyo

Healing Blankets Project Healing Blankets Project
Three tapestries weave herstories.
Dec 2, 2020 / OppArt / Marietta Bernstorff

Creating American Carnage Creating American Carnage
Our Golfer-in-Chief’s parting shots at democracy.
Nov 28, 2020 / OppArt / Dario Castillejos, Liza Donnelly, Felipe Galindo, and Peter Kuper