
At this dangerous moment in history, our actions will determine our very survival. As artists, we use our pens, our pencils, our brushes, and our ideas to cast a light on darkness and combat the forces that are driving us towards a precipice. Curated by Andrea Arroyo, Steve Brodner, and Peter Kuper, OppArt features artistic dispatches from the front lines of resistance—check back each day as a diverse set of artists take aim and draw.

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Terrible Twos

Terrible Twos Terrible Twos

According to the Gun Violence Archives, in 2018, there have been 621 kids (age 0–11) and 2,599 teens (age 12–17) shot in the US.

Dec 17, 2018 / OppArt / Ileana Doble Hernandez

Elegy Ending

Elegy Ending Elegy Ending

Justice League of America

Dec 14, 2018 / OppArt / Louisa Bertman

Caravan Through Time

Caravan Through Time Caravan Through Time

Migration, then and now.

Dec 13, 2018 / OppArt / Felipe Galindo

Down the Drain?

Down the Drain? Down the Drain?

2018 is set to have record high global carbon emissions.

Dec 12, 2018 / OppArt / Eneko Las Heras

Gun Wrongs

Gun Wrongs Gun Wrongs

Your right is my fear. Mothers in America live in fear of gun violence possibly impacting their children's lives.

Dec 10, 2018 / OppArt / Ileana Doble Hernandez

California’s Paradise Lost

California’s Paradise Lost California’s Paradise Lost

Climate change increases disasters, yet denial continues.

Dec 7, 2018 / OppArt / Randall Enos, Felipe Galindo, and Ed Hall

Theres an App for Everything!

Theres an App for Everything! Theres an App for Everything!

All you need is a little time.

Dec 6, 2018 / OppArt / Hilary Allison

Goals for 2019

Goals for 2019 Goals for 2019

Street art spied on 22nd Street, NYC.

Dec 5, 2018 / OppArt / Anonymous

Take a Knee

Take a Knee Take a Knee

Striking a Patriotic Stance

Dec 4, 2018 / OppArt / Louisa Bertman

Scorched-Earth Politics

Scorched-Earth Politics Scorched-Earth Politics

The road to hell, Gingrich to Trump, 1978­–2018.

Dec 3, 2018 / OppArt / Steve Brodner
