Why Is It So Hard to Close Rikers? Why Is It So Hard to Close Rikers?
New York City’s public advocate Jumaane D. Williams and journalist Nick Pinto talk to Laura Flanders about the difficulties of shrinking the incarceration system.
Jun 15, 2023 / Q&A / Laura Flanders

The Trauma and Resilience of Tulsa’s Greenwood District The Trauma and Resilience of Tulsa’s Greenwood District
Karlos K. Hill, a historian of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, speaks with Victor Luckerson, author of an “epic” new book on Greenwood.
May 31, 2023 / Q&A / Karlos K. Hill

Are the Risk Managers Running Planned Parenthood? Are the Risk Managers Running Planned Parenthood?
Eyal Press on courage and caution among abortion providers.
May 30, 2023 / Podcast / Jon Wiener and Eyal Press

What Are Rules For? What Are Rules For?
A conversation with historian Lorraine Daston about her recent book on the history of rules and how they have structured life across centuries.
May 23, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Ishan Desai-Geller

Eliane Brum Is in the Reforesting Vanguard Eliane Brum Is in the Reforesting Vanguard
A conversation with the award-winning Brazilian writer and journalist about the politics of the Amazon rain forest, the violence that seethes beneath its canopy, and her new book, ...
May 22, 2023 / Q&A / Lewis Gordon

After 50 Years, What’s Left for Hip Hop to Teach? After 50 Years, What’s Left for Hip Hop to Teach?
Chuck D and Rosa Clemente discuss the past and future of music and politics.
May 17, 2023 / Q&A / Laura Flanders

Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba on Their New Handbook for Radical Organizing Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba on Their New Handbook for Radical Organizing
Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care offers fresh insights for youth activists coming into their own.
May 16, 2023 / Q&A / Sarah Baum

With Lula in Charge, What’s Next for the Brazilian Left? With Lula in Charge, What’s Next for the Brazilian Left?
Brazilian labor leaders Artur Henrique and Marcio Pochmann share their thoughts on the continuing danger of the far right in Brazil.
May 15, 2023 / Q&A / Bill Fletcher Jr. and Bill Gallegos

Another Side of W.E.B. Du Bois Another Side of W.E.B. Du Bois
A conversation with Adom Getachew and Jennifer Pitts about Du Bois's thinking on imperialism, transnational solidarity, and their recent collection, W.E.B. Du Bois: International T...
May 10, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

The Conviction of Lucinda Williams The Conviction of Lucinda Williams
The Nation spoke with the singer-songwriter about her political commitments, her battles with the music industry, and her new memoir Don’t Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You.
May 4, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Emma Hager