Bryan Washington on Fiction ‘Outside the Bounds of Trauma’ Bryan Washington on Fiction ‘Outside the Bounds of Trauma’
A conversation about writing emphatically about marginalized communities, Houston’s diversity of cuisines and peoples, Japanese literature, and more.
Nov 25, 2020 / Books & the Arts / Rosemarie Ho

The Liberal Establishment Is ‘a Stranger to Self-Examination’ The Liberal Establishment Is ‘a Stranger to Self-Examination’
A conversation with Pankaj Mishra about Biden’s closer-than-expected victory, the sterile state of mainstream intellectual culture, and his new book Bland Fanatics.
Nov 23, 2020 / Q&A / Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

Kim Stanley Robinson Bears Witness to Our Climate Futures Kim Stanley Robinson Bears Witness to Our Climate Futures
A conversation with the acclaimed sci-fi novelist about the climate crisis, activism, utopia, and his new novel, The Ministry for the Future.
Nov 17, 2020 / Q&A / Lewis Gordon

Jack Halberstam’s Call of the Wild Jack Halberstam’s Call of the Wild
In an interview, the radical social thinker says the idea of “the wild” can help us dismantle our unjust world.
Nov 12, 2020 / Q&A / Tal Milovina

‘You Have to Listen to the Streets’: Rebel Diaz on Hip Hop and the Chilean Constitution ‘You Have to Listen to the Streets’: Rebel Diaz on Hip Hop and the Chilean Constitution
Brothers Rodrigo “RodStarz” and Gonzalo “G1” Venegas, who make up Rebel Diaz, discuss the role of art and music in Chilean activism.
Nov 5, 2020 / Q&A / Jack Delaney

What We Call Freedom Has Never Been About Being Free What We Call Freedom Has Never Been About Being Free
Annelien de Dijn’s new book looks at how the modern conception of freedom emerged as an antidemocratic reaction by elites who wanted to curtail state power.
Oct 29, 2020 / Q&A / Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

Sherrod Brown: Covid Shows How Corporate ‘Free Trade’ Policies Threaten Public Health Sherrod Brown: Covid Shows How Corporate ‘Free Trade’ Policies Threaten Public Health
The Ohio senator proposes a radically different approach to trade policy. It starts with the word “public.”
Oct 29, 2020 / Q&A / John Nichols

Paul Gilroy: ‘Whiteness Just Ain’t Worth What it Used to Be’ Paul Gilroy: ‘Whiteness Just Ain’t Worth What it Used to Be’
A conversation about racial tensions on both sides of the Atlantic, nationalism, and why inequality might be the key to understanding our current crisis.
Oct 28, 2020 / Q&A / Francis Wade

Checking the Systems That Hold Us Back Checking the Systems That Hold Us Back
On The Nation’s new podcast, System Check, hosts Melissa Harris-Perry and Dorian Warren set about diagnosing and repairing our malfunctioning democracy.
Oct 26, 2020 / Q&A / Melissa Harris-Perry and Dorian T. Warren

One Weird Trick for Destroying the Digital Economy One Weird Trick for Destroying the Digital Economy
Tim Hwang thinks we should burst the bubble of the ad-supported internet before it’s too late.
Oct 13, 2020 / Q&A / Marie Solis