How Stonewall Veteran Jay Toole’s Life Has Changed Since the Riots—and How It Hasn’t

How Stonewall Veteran Jay Toole’s Life Has Changed Since the Riots—and How It Hasn’t How Stonewall Veteran Jay Toole’s Life Has Changed Since the Riots—and How It Hasn’t

Toole sees Stonewall as a turning point for the LGBTQ movement, but not for everyone in it.

Jul 2, 2019 / Feature / Naomi Gordon-Loebl

Tiffany Cabán

Tiffany Cabán Wants to Transform What It Means to Be a DA Tiffany Cabán Wants to Transform What It Means to Be a DA

The Queens candidate tells The Nation she would prosecute bad landlords, predatory lenders, and abusive employers—not black and brown communities.

Jun 13, 2019 / Q&A / Isabel Cristo

Varshini Prakash

Varshini Prakash of the Sunrise Movement on Climate Justice, the Green New Deal, and Revolution Varshini Prakash of the Sunrise Movement on Climate Justice, the Green New Deal, and Revolution

“We didn’t ask to have the responsibility of protecting human civilization on our shoulders. But we’re stepping up to the plate.”

Jun 4, 2019 / Q&A / Wen Stephenson

Imani Perry

Imani Perry’s Liberation Feminism Imani Perry’s Liberation Feminism

The African-American studies professor sits down with The Nation to discuss books, Beyoncé, and the radical potential of the academy.

May 29, 2019 / Q&A / Nawal Arjini

Anthony Abraham Jack

Anthony Abraham Jack Wants to Redefine How We Think About College Campus Inequality Anthony Abraham Jack Wants to Redefine How We Think About College Campus Inequality

His new book, The Privileged Poor, examines the way elite colleges and universities welcome, and don’t welcome, students from the working classes. 

May 17, 2019 / Q&A / Edwin Aponte

Sophie Lewis

Want to Dismantle Capitalism? Abolish the Family Want to Dismantle Capitalism? Abolish the Family

Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics.

May 16, 2019 / Q&A / Rosemarie Ho

Natasha Lennard

What Is Anti-Fascism? What Is Anti-Fascism?

A Q&A with Natasha Lennard.

May 15, 2019 / Q&A / Ari M. Brostoff

Mark Sabbatini

What It’s Like to Run the Arctic’s Alt-Weekly Newspaper What It’s Like to Run the Arctic’s Alt-Weekly Newspaper

Q&A with Mark Sabbatini, editor, writer, and publisher of Svalbard’s Icepeople.

Apr 24, 2019 / Q&A / Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

Music’s Shift From Analog to Digital Changed Everything

Music’s Shift From Analog to Digital Changed Everything Music’s Shift From Analog to Digital Changed Everything

Damon Krukowski’s new book is critique of capitalism disguised as a meditation on playback technology. 

Apr 24, 2019 / Q&A / Sasha Geffen

In Mexico, ‘The Cartels Do Not Exist’: A Q&A With Oswaldo Zavala

In Mexico, ‘The Cartels Do Not Exist’: A Q&A With Oswaldo Zavala In Mexico, ‘The Cartels Do Not Exist’: A Q&A With Oswaldo Zavala

The CUNY professor’s new book about drug trafficking has sparked controversy in Mexico, but he says the US isn’t yet ready for the discussion.

Apr 22, 2019 / Q&A / Jessica Loudis
