Trump Sinks to New Depths of Deceit and Depravity Trump Sinks to New Depths of Deceit and Depravity
His mendacity level was through the roof, and his lack of empathy was even more on display.
Oct 23, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump Is Butchering Our Regulatory Infrastructure Trump Is Butchering Our Regulatory Infrastructure
Recent rules changes lock into place weaker environmental, workplace safety, and labor standards, and escalate the assault on legal immigration.
Oct 20, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump Is Urging Republicans to Break the Law Trump Is Urging Republicans to Break the Law
He not only applauded the California GOP’s illegal use of mail-in ballot drop-boxes; he’s urging Republican officials elsewhere to do the same thing.
Oct 16, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump Deploys the Strongman’s Playbook Trump Deploys the Strongman’s Playbook
There seems to be no limit to the damage he’s willing to inflict on the country’s democratic structures in his efforts to save his chances for reelection.
Oct 13, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

We Have a Covidiot in the White House We Have a Covidiot in the White House
Trump may be a super-spreader. But don’t get hung up on medical updates; in swing states, Republicans are plotting to steal this election.
Oct 6, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump in the Debate: None Dare Call It Treason Trump in the Debate: None Dare Call It Treason
He’s now in a fascist halfway house—not able to abolish the election process entirely, but secure enough to wink and nod to neo-Nazi street-fighters.
Oct 1, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump Threatens America: Reelect Me, or Else Trump Threatens America: Reelect Me, or Else
His plan, aided by the GOP, is to use any means necessary to remain in power despite having lost popular legitimacy.
Sep 29, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Fascism Is the Core of Trump’s Message Fascism Is the Core of Trump’s Message
Shooting journalists, he says, is a “beautiful thing,” his fans have “good genes,” refugees are dangerous, and his political opponents should be prosecuted.
Sep 23, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

In Trump’s America, It’s Cruelty as Policy In Trump’s America, It’s Cruelty as Policy
Forced hysterectomies for ICE detainees, more mass deportations, threats to bring sedition charges against protesters—this is political vandalism.
Sep 18, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump’s Nevada Rally Is a Mockery to Millions Trump’s Nevada Rally Is a Mockery to Millions
It flies in the face of CDC guidelines and insults all Americans who have sacrificed to slow the pandemic’s spread.
Sep 15, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky