Can the Midterm Elections Help Solve the Climate Crisis? Can the Midterm Elections Help Solve the Climate Crisis?
Climate organizers across the country are adding voter engagement work into their own advocacy. But electing Democrats is just a first step.
Oct 31, 2022 / StudentNation / Sofia Andrade
Your College RA Deserves a Union Your College RA Deserves a Union
Resident Advisers are workers and should demand employment status, union recognition, and fair wages. Universities cannot function without them.
Oct 28, 2022 / StudentNation / Ava Young-Stoner
Republicans Have Spent Millions on Youth Outreach. And It’s Working. Republicans Have Spent Millions on Youth Outreach. And It’s Working.
Kyle Spencer’s new book Raising Them Right shows how the conservative establishment has recruited and trained new generations of activists over the last 60 years.
Oct 26, 2022 / Q&A / Julian Epp
Young Socialists Are Sick of the 2-Party System Young Socialists Are Sick of the 2-Party System
YDSA, the youth section of the largest socialist organization in the country, is tired of working within the Democratic Party. Can they create an alternative?
Oct 25, 2022 / StudentNation / Zurie Pope
Trans People’s Rights Are on the Ballot, but Many Won’t Be Able to Vote Trans People’s Rights Are on the Ballot, but Many Won’t Be Able to Vote
Over 850,000 trans Americans are eligible to vote in the midterms. But strict voter ID laws, less mail-in voting, and other barriers will make it more difficult.
Oct 24, 2022 / StudentNation / Theia Chatelle
A Brower Youth Award Winner Outlines a New Fossil Free Research Campaign A Brower Youth Award Winner Outlines a New Fossil Free Research Campaign
The 2022 Brower Award winner explains why the toxic influence of Big Oil money on climate change research is the next front in the battle against fossil fuel extraction.
Oct 21, 2022 / StudentNation / StudentNation and Ilana Cohen
Biden Should Invest in Communities, Not More Community Service Biden Should Invest in Communities, Not More Community Service
AmeriCorps pays less than minimum wage for anti-poverty work. With a million unfilled public sector jobs, why not create a program that actually addresses our needs?
Oct 20, 2022 / StudentNation / Paige Oamek
The Deadly Consequences of Urban Oil Drilling The Deadly Consequences of Urban Oil Drilling
Since she was 9 years old, Nalleli Cobo has been fighting to end environmental racism in Los Angeles, where 3.2 million people live near an oil or gas well.
Oct 19, 2022 / StudentNation / Mara Marques Cavallaro
With DACA in Jeopardy, It’s Time for Congress to Act With DACA in Jeopardy, It’s Time for Congress to Act
Three-quarters of Americans support legal status for immigrants brought to the United States as children, yet Congress has failed to enact permanent protections.
Oct 17, 2022 / StudentNation / Teresa Mettela
Across the Country, Students Are Fighting for Abortion Access Across the Country, Students Are Fighting for Abortion Access
An October day of action is the latest sign that a new generation, emboldened by the overturn of Roe, is surging into political organizing.
Oct 17, 2022 / StudentNation / Amy Littlefield