Prosecuting Innocence Prosecuting Innocence
Like countless parents, Cynthia Stewart of Oberlin, Ohio, is an ardent amateur photographer who loves to take pictures of her child.
Nov 25, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Anti-Choice, Anti-Child Anti-Choice, Anti-Child
One of the favorite tactics of pro-lifers--especially ones who are self-described "progressives"--is to accuse abortion rights supporters of being anti-child, hyperindividualisti...
Oct 28, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Catholic Bashing? Catholic Bashing?
My father disapproved of the "Sensation" show at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. He thought it was bad for the Jews.
Oct 14, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Katha Pollitt
‘Finality’ or Justice? ‘Finality’ or Justice?
Remember the bizarre daycare center "ritual abuse" trials of the eighties--the McMartin case in Los Angeles, the Little Rascals case in Edenton, North Carolina, the Kelly Micha...
Sep 18, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Polymaritally Perverse Polymaritally Perverse
I've always vowed I would never be one of those people--and you know who you are!--who cancel their ACLU membership in a fit of pique over a single issue.
Sep 16, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Weird Science Weird Science
My first thought upon hearing that the Kansas state education board had removed evolution from its mandatory curriculum was: Go ahead! Be like that! Handicap your kids for life.
Sep 2, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Natural Born Killers Natural Born Killers
It didn't take long for the press to connect 21-year-old white-supremacist multikiller Benjamin Smith with the all-purpose explanation du jour: violent entertainment, in this ca...
Jul 8, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Depression Confession Depression Confession
How will we know when women have achieved equality? Male politicians will all be bachelors.
Jun 10, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
A Bronx Tale A Bronx Tale
You're 19, single, on welfare. You breast-feed your baby because you know breast is best. When the baby fails to gain weight, your mother says not to worry, you were even smaller...
May 27, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Humanitarian, All Too Humanitarian Humanitarian, All Too Humanitarian
Masses of people driven from their homes, murdered, maimed, raped, sent into panicked flight.
May 13, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt