The Almanac

March 5, 1871: Rosa Luxemburg Is Born

March 5, 1871: Rosa Luxemburg Is Born March 5, 1871: Rosa Luxemburg Is Born

“No revolutionary as independent-minded as she,” Vivian Gornick once wrote in The Nation, “could fail, come the revolution, to be denounced as a counterrevolution...

Mar 5, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

March 4, 1933: Frances Perkins Becomes the First Woman in the US Cabinet

March 4, 1933: Frances Perkins Becomes the First Woman in the US Cabinet March 4, 1933: Frances Perkins Becomes the First Woman in the US Cabinet

“An extraordinarily able woman of proved ability,” The Nation’s former editor, a veteran suffragist, cheered.

Mar 4, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

March 3, 1923: The First Issue of ‘Time’ Magazine Is Published

March 3, 1923: The First Issue of ‘Time’ Magazine Is Published March 3, 1923: The First Issue of ‘Time’ Magazine Is Published

Disgruntled former employee Dwight Macdonald took to The Nation to gripe about the mainstream magazine’s crusade against “windy bias.”

Mar 3, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

March 2, 1877: A Compromise Makes Rutherford B. Hayes President and Ends Reconstruction

March 2, 1877: A Compromise Makes Rutherford B. Hayes President and Ends Reconstruction March 2, 1877: A Compromise Makes Rutherford B. Hayes President and Ends Reconstruction

The Nation thought the Electoral College “might very profitably be dispensed with,” to avoid a repeat of the election debacle.

Mar 2, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

March 1, 1961: JFK Creates the Peace Corps

March 1, 1961: JFK Creates the Peace Corps March 1, 1961: JFK Creates the Peace Corps

"Dedication is not enough," The Nation warned, "Eagerness is not enough, nor a warm heart."

Mar 1, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

February 28, 1993: The Feds Raid the Branch Davidian Complex in Waco, Initiating a Long Siege

February 28, 1993: The Feds Raid the Branch Davidian Complex in Waco, Initiating a Long Siege February 28, 1993: The Feds Raid the Branch Davidian Complex in Waco, Initiating a Long Siege

An article in The Nation shows that a little gun control could have gone a long way toward saving lives.

Feb 28, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

February 27, 2008: ‘National Review’ Editor William F. Buckley Dies

February 27, 2008: ‘National Review’ Editor William F. Buckley Dies February 27, 2008: ‘National Review’ Editor William F. Buckley Dies

In one of the great hatchet jobs of Nation history, Robert Sherrill argued that even in the prime of his clipboard-enabled antics, Buckley was already “quite dead.”

Feb 27, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

February 26, 1919: The Grand Canyon Becomes a National Park

February 26, 1919: The Grand Canyon Becomes a National Park February 26, 1919: The Grand Canyon Becomes a National Park

A Nation correspondent traveled to the canyon in 1893 and told readers back East what he saw.

Feb 26, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

February 25, 1956: Khrushchev Denounces the Stalinist ‘Personality Cult’

February 25, 1956: Khrushchev Denounces the Stalinist ‘Personality Cult’ February 25, 1956: Khrushchev Denounces the Stalinist ‘Personality Cult’

The fear-besotted US was “in danger once again” The Nation warned, “of being left alone at the station as Lenin’s locomotive of history goes racing toward t...

Feb 25, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

February 24, 1946: Juan Peron Is Elected President of Argentina

February 24, 1946: Juan Peron Is Elected President of Argentina February 24, 1946: Juan Peron Is Elected President of Argentina

The Nation wrote about the “South American Hitler” who was “providing safe haven for a band of international bankers, munitions makers, cartel directors, and war-mongers.”

Feb 24, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac
