Bloomberg: Wrong Mayor, Wrong City, Wrong Time Bloomberg: Wrong Mayor, Wrong City, Wrong Time
Any erstwhile liberal New Yorkers thinking of supporting Mike Bloomberg's bid for a third term should read the New York Times carefully. The city hasn't been spared the ravages of ...
Feb 18, 2009 / Richard Kim
An American Foreign Legion An American Foreign Legion
This report, first posted at, comes from historian and retired Lieutenant Colonel William J. Astore: A leaner, meaner, higher tech force -- that was what George W....
Feb 17, 2009 / TomDispatch
Increase the Stress or Downsize the Mission? Increase the Stress or Downsize the Mission?
According to the New York Times, suicides in the U.S. Army this January alone could total as many as 24. (For January 2008, the number was five.) If so, that would not only be th...
Feb 16, 2009 / TomDispatch
The Endless Non-Departure from Iraq The Endless Non-Departure from Iraq
Already it's begun -- the endless non-departure from Iraq. The Obama plan, restated many times during the presidential campaign, involved a 16-month schedule for withdrawing not a...
Feb 13, 2009 / TomDispatch
Tin-eared Titans Tin-eared Titans
Sometimes it's the small gesture that defines the end of an age. Richard Fuld, CEO of Lehman Brothers, the single financial firm the Bush administration allowed to collapse into b...
Feb 10, 2009 / TomDispatch
Whistling Past the Afghan Graveyard Whistling Past the Afghan Graveyard
It is now a commonplace -- as a lead article in the New York Times's Week in Review pointed out recently -- that Afghanistan is "the graveyard of empires." Given Barack ...
Feb 5, 2009 / TomDispatch
The Pentagon as a Weapons Scam The Pentagon as a Weapons Scam
Recently, reviewing lobbying disclosure reports, the Washington Times discovered "that 18 of the top 20 recipients of federal bailout money spent a combined $12.2 million lobb...
Feb 3, 2009 / TomDispatch
Bloody Monday Bloody Monday
The headlines tell the story. On Tuesday, my hometown paper played the news relatively mildly as "Layoffs Spread to More Sectors of the Economy"; the Washington Post cho...
Jan 30, 2009 / TomDispatch
Video of Obama’s First (Real) Day on The Job Video of Obama’s First (Real) Day on The Job
These "100 Seconds" features aren't always interesting, but this one really captures the feel of Obama's first day on the job:
Jan 23, 2009 / Ari Melber
The Day the Earth Still Stood The Day the Earth Still Stood
Inauguration day! Gazillions of Americans descended on Washington. The rest of us were watching on TV or checking out streaming video on our computers. No one was paying attenti...
Jan 20, 2009 / TomDispatch