Long Live Jorge Castro Long Live Jorge Castro
Work with low-income families in Richmond, California made me re-examine the meaning of hope for progressive change.
Mar 6, 2008 / The Nation
Youth Vote Stereotypes Debunked: ‘Three’ is the Magic Number Youth Vote Stereotypes Debunked: ‘Three’ is the Magic Number
We all know that the youth vote is no mirage, especially not in the 2008 primaries, so why do skeptics continue to question the participation of young voters?
Feb 29, 2008 / The Nation
Streets Called Home: Q&A With Author Jessica Blank Streets Called Home: Q&A With Author Jessica Blank
Jessica Blank's new novel debunks homeless teen myths and misconceptions, while the author offers solutions.
Feb 29, 2008 / The Nation
The Grinch Who Stole Our Future The Grinch Who Stole Our Future
Bush's proposed budget for 2009 seeks to militarize youth plus slash education funding and jobs programs.
Feb 29, 2008 / The Nation
Carded at the Polls Carded at the Polls
Why a pending Supreme Court case could disenfranchise students just as they've begun voting in record numbers.
Feb 21, 2008 / The Nation
Grassroots Road Trip Grassroots Road Trip
Giving students the days before Election Day off is the best kind of get-out-the-vote effort.
Feb 21, 2008 / The Nation
Engaging Youth, For Real Engaging Youth, For Real
There are hundreds of well-meaning but unsuccessful youth centers in America. The Spot in Denver and Elementz in Cincinnati went the extra mile to build something more authentic.
Feb 21, 2008 / The Nation
Young Voters Come Out, Again, in Wisconsin and Hawaii Young Voters Come Out, Again, in Wisconsin and Hawaii
...and they give Barack Obama the edge.
Feb 21, 2008 / The Nation
Bois2Men Bois2Men
Surgery for transsexuals: it's raced, it's classed and it's located.
Feb 21, 2008 / The Nation
Punk and Politics: A High-Maintenance Relationship Punk and Politics: A High-Maintenance Relationship
The Vera Project serves as an inspiring model of how a small group of dedicated musicians and their fans can transform a reactionary, anti-youth city ordinance into a positive spac...
Feb 12, 2008 / The Nation