“Dune” and the Allegories of Empire “Dune” and the Allegories of Empire
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, David Klion on the science fiction epic with real world echoes.

From McCarthyism to “Citizens United” From McCarthyism to “Citizens United”
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, Douglas Bell discusses Chandler Davis and the contest over free speech.

The Democrats Embrace the Right on Immigration The Democrats Embrace the Right on Immigration
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, a discussion with Adam Johnson on the Democrats’ failed border policy.

The Abortion Battle Needs a Fighting President The Abortion Battle Needs a Fighting President
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, Moira Donegan on Joe Biden’s need to embrace pro-choice politics.

Dangers of a Wider War in the Middle East Dangers of a Wider War in the Middle East
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, Trita Parsi on how the Gaza onslaught is fueling regional conflict.

Celebrating Linda Hirshman’s Legacy Celebrating Linda Hirshman’s Legacy
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, Moira Donegan remembers a feminist giant.

Biden’s Bear Hug Disaster Biden’s Bear Hug Disaster
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, Yousef Munayyer on the folly of America’s Israel policy.

Kissinger’s Corruption and Palestinian Solutions Kissinger’s Corruption and Palestinian Solutions
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, Matt Duss on moving on beyond war.

Garry Wills and the Real Kennedy Curse Garry Wills and the Real Kennedy Curse
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, talking with Sam Adler-Bell and Matt Sitman about the toxic legacy of a famous family.

AIPAC Versus the Squad AIPAC Versus the Squad
On this episode of The Time of Monsters, Alexander Sammon on how the pro-Israel group wants to destroy progressive politics.