
Hightower vs. McCain on Afghanistan Hightower vs. McCain on Afghanistan

Jim Hightower debates John McCain (sort of) over the unasked questions with regards to Afghanistan.

Mar 31, 2009 / Brave New Films

Popular Power Not Wall Street Power Popular Power Not Wall Street Power

Robert Johnson, former Chief Economist of the Senate Banking Committee, on why the Obama economic recovery plan is misguided.

Mar 30, 2009 / GRITtv

William Grieder on ‘A New Way Forward’ William Grieder on ‘A New Way Forward’

The Nation's William Greider discusses where he believes the new voice against Wall Street interests will come from.

Mar 30, 2009 / Bill Moyers Journal

AIG Bonus Outrage: What’s the Fallout? AIG Bonus Outrage: What’s the Fallout?

The Nation's Ari Melber joins Washington Times columnist Amanda Carpenter to weigh in on who has the most to lose in the ongoing AIG controversy.

Mar 30, 2009 / MSNBC

‘Drop the Rock’: Repeal Unfair Drug Laws ‘Drop the Rock’: Repeal Unfair Drug Laws

The change in leadership at the New York state level seems poised to make a dramatic change to the state's Rockefeller Drug Laws.

Mar 30, 2009 / Brett Story

Breaking Down the Weekly Media Spin Breaking Down the Weekly Media Spin

The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel, Robert George of the New York Post and Danny Schechter the news dissector look at the reporting of the past week.

Mar 27, 2009 / GRITtv

Behold the Michele Bachmann Effect Behold the Michele Bachmann Effect

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has an uncanny ability to provoke befuddlement in the faces of her adversaries.

Mar 26, 2009 / Talking Points Memo

How Obama’s Laugh Turned Into Part of a Smear Campaign How Obama’s Laugh Turned Into Part of a Smear Campaign

The workings of a build-up to a fake-scandal over President Obama's laughter on 60 Minutes.

Mar 26, 2009 / Media Matters for America

Use Populist Rage To Push Obama Use Populist Rage To Push Obama

The populist fires are burning. But what's next? Bob Borosage thinks progressives should push Obama farther left.

Mar 26, 2009 / American News Project

The Takeover: Who’s Running This Country? The Takeover: Who’s Running This Country?

Matt Taibbi, Jane Hamsher and Robert Johnson discuss what can be done to take that power back from the financial institutions that have wrecked the economy and our democracy.

Mar 25, 2009 / GRITtv
