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The New School University is one of Manhattan's most storied progressive institutions. But don't tell that to the people who work there.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, after the second plane hit the World Trade Center and it was clear that the nation was under attack, US authorities issued an emergency a...
The capture of Saddam Hussein has raised the question of how best to hold him accountable for the horrendous human rights violations committed by his regime.
Before he left New York, Hans Blix had a poster on his apartment wall from the big antiwar demonstration in New York City a year ago on the eve of the attack on Iraq.
The horrific bombings in Spain, which claimed more than 200 lives, were sad proof that terrorists can achieve success when their target is a government that has distanced itse...
President Bush failed the country in its hour of greatest need, according to his administration's top anti-terrorism advisor during the crisis.
A friend who lives in Paris forwarded me an item from the Internet, concerning a singles ad that had allegedly appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
I'm for anything that terrifies Democrats, outrages Republicans, upsets the apple cart.
Among the approximately 150,000 people who took to the streets of New York on March 20 to protest the US occupation of Iraq were six Nation interns.
The American foreign affairs establishment seems finally to have gotten worried about the antics of the Boy Emperor.
If upon reading the first sentence of Moses Isegawa's debut novel, Abyssinian Chronicles, in an Amsterdam bookstore a few years back, I quickly re-read it a few times a...
Although the epigraph of Damon Galgut's novel is taken from Chekhov, it is the ghost of Graham Greene that hovers most palpably over The Good Doctor, and even in the ca...
"One does not jail Voltaire." So responded the president of France to calls that Jean-Paul Sartre be arrested for backing an independent Algeria.