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August 5, 2002 Issue
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Sex, Morality and AIDS
At the fourteenth international AIDS conference, the gulf between the United States and the rest of the world widened as US officials touted policies that world healt...
Doublespeak on Guns
In a brief filed in connection with an appeal to the Supreme Court in a gun possession case, the Bush Justice Department, breaking with sixty years of jurisprudence, asserts th...
The Wages of Greed
Events in Washington are potentially momentous, but hold the applause. In late May, the Dow was at 10,300, but by mid-July it had dropped almost 2,000 points. The Nasdaq and S&...
Robert I. Friedman
Robert I. Friedman, whose uncompromising investigative stories appeared in The Nation from the early 1980s onward, died July 2 in Manhattan at the age of 51. In an era o...
Mexico Opens the Files
Now that a freedom of information bill has been passed, Mexico faces its real battle: convincing the public to use it.
The DLC Comes to Manhattan
This past weekend, the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) convened a national conversation in New York City.
The Hog Wallow
When did the great executive stock option hog wallow really start? You can go back to the deregulatory push under Carter in the late 1970s, then move into the Reagan '80s, w...
Farewell, My Cokie
Speaking on NPR recently, Cokie Roberts, the soon-to-retire co-host of ABC's This Week, falsely informed her listeners that "the President was exonerated by the Secur...
Another Bankrupt Idea From Congress
Thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbor by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God.
The Boom or Bush Cycle
The public's love affair with the Bush Administration is souring. Polls show that voters are deeply worried about its handling of the economy, although they still claim to lik...
Greens at the Crossroads
The US Green Party held its first-ever midterm convention since becoming a full-fledged national party in Philadelphia a week ago, and the gathering of seventy-nine delegates f...
Big Pharma, Bad Science
In June, the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most respected medical journals, made a startling announcement.
A 12-Step Program for Media Democracy
These days, it's the media conglomerates who are drunk with power--demanding a larger share of the nation's airwaves and threatening to turn the World Wide Web into an electro...
Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore, conceived in the 1920s as a tourist attraction, was quickly recast by the sculptor as an icon of democracy, freedom and hope.
Dying for Work
Close to 3,000 progressive activists from all walks of life joined Jim Hightower for his third "Rolling Thunder/Down-Home Democracy Tour" in Tucson on July 26.
Reproductive Freedom
The Nation reported on Dr. Pendergraft's troubles in "Abortion on Trial" by Hillary Frey and Miranda K...
Brits and Drugs
"Tell me about the hash bars."
"OK, what do you want to know?"
"It's legal there, right?"
"It's legal, but it ain't 100 percent legal."
Books & the Arts
For readers of this magazine and millions of other Americans, the initial horror of September 11 was compounded by the sobering realization that George W. Bush would be at the ...
The Forgettable & Forgotten
Dispatches from adolescent territory reach me occasionally through my niece Michelle, who has moved into her teen years like the Wehrmacht hitting Belgium. Her most rece...
Librarians Under Siege
It used to be a matter of flashing a badge and appealing to patriotism, but these days federal agents are finding it a little harder to get librarians to spy. Under an obscure ...
What Are They Reading?
Roane Carey has edited two collections of writings on the Middle East: Roane Carey