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December 2, 2013 Issue
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The Progressive Electoral Wave of 2013
The big story this November is a cross-country rejection of austerity and inequality and support for social justice.

Child Labor in the USA
The country must find the political will to end this national disgrace.

Time to End the Spying Game
Americans are justifiably upset about the NSA’s sweeping domestic surveillance. But we should be just as concerned about spying on foreigners.

‘We Had One Enemy; Now We Have Three’—A Conversation With Malalai Joya of Afghanistan
US forces used the plight of Afghan women to justify war—but twelve years later, women are still suffering.

Village People
Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s Double Down entertains, but its contempt for liberalism shows on almost every page.

The Myth of the Child-Stealing Roma
Europe’s panic is about race and class, not child abduction.

Regulations Are Killed, and Kids Die
Under pressure, the Obama administration withdrew rules barring young laborers from dangerous work—a decision with grave consequences for several families.

Books & the Arts

Roman Holidays
Paolo Sorrentino’s The Great Beauty; Alexander Sokurov’s Faust; Wladyslaw Pasikowski’s Aftermath