Print Magazine
December 4, 2006 Issue
The Editors seek to exorcise the ghost of Tom DeLay, Alexander Cockburn is skeptical that the midterms will change anything, Benjamin Hedin…
Cover art by: Cover art by Robert Grossman, design by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels
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We welcome Lakshmi Chaudhry and Christopher Hayes as contributing
writers to The Nation and to The Notion, our online blog. Both have
appeared previously in The Na...
The Editors
Remembering Ellen Willis, William Styron and Richard Gilman.
The Editors
Beset with financial woes, a labor-management power struggle and an
aging leftist readership, the legendary French newspaper is on the
brink of extinction.
K.A. Dilday
Democratic gains in Statehouses around the country validated Howard
Dean's "50-state strategy" and set the stage for a long process of party
John Nichols
Claire McCaskill's victory in Missouri proves that moral politics is growing more expansive--and less Republican--as values voters waken to the moral bankruptcy of the religious...
Bob Moser
Democratic Congressional leaders are taking the first steps toward
real reform to clean up corruption, rein in lobbyists, limit earmarks
and insure greater transparency in governme...
The Editors
President Bush has said many dumb things in defense of his Iraq policy. Citing the Vietnam War as a model is his most ludicrous.
Robert Scheer
It's always a bad idea to rely on your opponents to be knaves and fools.
It worked for the Democrats this time. But what about next time?
Katha Pollitt
The party of permanent war--which includes lawmakers like Biden, Emanuel
and Lantos--is regrouping for a counterattack, their numbers refreshed
by a phalanx of incoming Blue Dogs.
Alexander Cockburn
As the two top-ranked college teams clash on Saturday, the world stops, vote-counting is halted in a tight Congressional race and cities brace for violence.
Dave Zirin
Republicans in Congress have set aside $20 million for a gala in Washington to celebrate victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. The party may be postponed for a while, but the program h...
Evan Eisenberg
The Democrats won the House and the Senate because the Republicans lost
the garage. How Nascar fans helped turn the tide of the election.
Robert Lipsyte
Maureen Dowd's political analysis is devilishly smart and viciously funny--but the New York Times columnist really should spend less
time on the couch.
Simon Maxwell Apter
A mainstream media legal analyst dismissed efforts to prosecute Donald
Rumsfeld and others for war crimes as ridiculous. They're not.
Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith
Last week's walkout at the Smithfield Packing Company was a significant victory for labor organizers and exploited undocumented workers at the North Carolina plant.
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Jimmy Carter's bold new book on the plight of Palestinians has piqued
Congressional Democrats who tailor their views to the Israel lobby.
Michael F. Brown
While there may be something great about winning a war, the United
States must learn there is something much greater about using the tools of peacemaking to build a better world.
John Hope Franklin
The Pennsylvania Democrat's opposition to the Iraq War and Pelosi's endorsement couldn't match
Steny Hoyer's seniority, experience and connections to House Democrats.
Ari Berman
Right-wing culture warriors gathered in LA to praise
ABC for its flawed 9/11 docudrama, talk up a conservative version of
The Daily Show and release a thriller fueled by a n...
Max Blumenthal
Although the United States itches to do away with Hugo Chávez, his socialist
policies are alleviating poverty and earning the people's trust. To
Bush's chagrin, the Venezuel...
Chesa Boudin
It's time for Democrats to break out of their risk-averse habits and
blaze a new trail--if they can only remember how.
William Greider
Economic populism was the most underreported story of the midterms and
will be the cornerstone of any new Democratic majority.
Chris Hayes
Books & the Arts
While there may be something great about winning a war, the United
States must learn there is something much greater about using the tools of peacemaking to build a better world.
John Hope Franklin
Right-wing culture warriors gathered in LA to praise
ABC for its flawed 9/11 docudrama, talk up a conservative version of
The Daily Show and release a thriller fueled by a n...
Max Blumenthal
Reviews of films from the vulgar to the magisterial: Borat, Flags of Our Fathers, For Your Consideration, Our Daily Bread and Fur.
Stuart Klawans
In The Lay of the Land, the final work in Richard Ford's
acclaimed trilogy, Frank Bascombe picks up where he left off in Independence Day--taking road trips, describi...
Benjamin Hedin
An ambitious two-volume history of the novel explores its evolution across
continents and centuries.
William Deresiewicz
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