Print Magazine
February 17, 2014 Issue
Cover art by: design by Robert Best
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Obama Called for a ‘Year of Action’ to Fight Inequality. Let’s Make It Happen.
Only continued pressure from grassroots activists will force Washington to do the right thing.

Celebrating Pete Seeger
Bruce Springsteen said it best, on Pete’s ninetieth birthday: “You outlasted the bastards, man.”

How the Myth of the ‘Negro Cocaine Fiend’ Helped Shape American Drug Policy
In 1914, a racist fiction helped sell one of the nation’s first drug laws; 100 years later, it’s still with us.

What Happens When 85 People Are Worth the Same Amount as 3.5 Billion?
A new Oxfam report warns of the dangers of global inequality.

…And the poor get poorer… the Viagra effect… neutralize gerrymandering… put the nation back in The Nation… parochial New York…...

What Chirlane McCray Wore—and Why It Matters
Suddenly local fashion is all the rage. But can the garment trades once again bring good jobs to New York City?

Harvard and Brown Fail on Climate
Why university presidents Drew Gilpin Faust and Christina Paxson were wrong to reject calls to divest from fossil fuel companies.
Books & the Arts

Slavery in the Modern World
David Brion Davis’s pathbreaking study of the problem of slavery.

Abie’s Yiddish Muse
Like a lot of red revolutionaries, Abraham Cahan ended up to the right of where he began.