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Once upon a time, a psychiatrist named Fredric Wertham went on a tear over Wonder Woman.
On the long list of resignations of Cabinet members, agency heads and political appointees that has accompanied the launch of the second Bush term, no member of the Administra...
The determination and hopefulness of Iraqis on election day were captured in many dispatches, none better than in one by British journalist Robert Fisk.
Call out the fifes, sound the bugles, strike on the drums. With the State of the Union behind us, the Battle for Social Security now officially begins--again.
As the saying goes, behind every successful woman is a man who is surprised. Harvard president Larry Summers apparently is that man.
When it comes to left and right, meaning the contrapuntal voices of sanity and dementia, we're meant to keep two sets of books.
Eric Alterman and Amy Wilentz and Our Readers
I've heard Argentines say that Buenos Aires is more densely populated by psychoanalysts than anyplace else in the world.
Scholars of the New Testament speculate that the Gospel of Mark was the first of the canonical Gospels to be composed, sometime between 68 and 73 CE, or thirty-five to forty y...
It's not often that a new style appears in American prose, but this is what happened with John Haskell's first book, a collection of short stories called I am not Jackson P...
Once upon a time, a psychiatrist named Fredric Wertham went on a tear over Wonder Woman.