Print Magazine
February 5, 2007 Issue
David Corn on the Scooter Libby trial, Alexander Cockburn on the Israel lobby’s waning clout, Ruth Scurr on the concept of total war.
Cover art by: Cover by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels
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President Bush's State of the Union address proved he is hellbent on going to war with Iran. Here's what the Democrats must do to stop him.
Scott Ritter
Americans are ready for big, bold ideas to heal our social and economic wounds.
William Greider
In the case against Scooter Libby, the Iraq War is not on trial. But the integrity of the White House is.
David Corn
If Barack Obama is to secure critical grassroots support for his presidential bid, he must be less about celebrity and more about policy.
John Nichols
Can a single man force a nation to fight an unpopular war? Here's how
Congress can stand up to Bush.
The Editors
No State of the Union message can erase the world's dismal verdict on Bush and the Iraq War.
Robert Scheer
Kudos to Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy for being the first two black coaches to lead teams to the Superbowl. But hold the applause for the NFL.
Dave Zirin
Bush is soft-pedaling the idea of sacrifice as a way of making his war palatable to ordinary Americans. But the tactic isn't working all that well.
Nicholas von Hoffman
Big-money athletics cannot help but sabotage what our colleges and universities are for: instruction and research.
Nicholas von Hoffman
Iraq is America's colonial war. Arguments for maintaining colonial rule in India are almost identical to the justifications offered for the continuing presence of US troops in Iraq...
Gary Younge
Dinesh D'Souza revs up the Republican base with a book arguing that lifestyles of the decadent left triggered Muslim anger that led to 9/11.
Katha Pollitt
The Israel lobby retains its grip inside the Beltway, but it's starting to lose its hold on the broader public debate.
Alexander Cockburn
The 3 million refugees fleeing the Iraq war and insurgency will find no welcome mat here.
Andrew Lam
Ambitious politicians don't need a draft to run for higher office, but as "draft" sites become a campaign essential, genuine netroots activists will pay the price.
Ari Melber
A courageous editor and fervent Turkish patriot is killed in the name of nationalists intent on burying the inconvenient realities of history.
Ronald Grigor Suny
Also at stake in the trial of an Army officer who refuses to deploy to Iraq is the independence of the press.
Marc Cooper
A deeply flawed and complex leader now has a second chance to save the country.
Max Blumenthal
Is education widening the class divide?
Jeff Madrick
The civil liberties organization is engulfed in a tumultuous family feud over its controversial leader.
Scott Sherman
Books & the Arts
Ruth Scurr reviews The First Total War, a study of Napoleonic France that illuminates the causes of all-out war.
Ruth Scurr
The Radical and the Republican traces the antislavery politics of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.
Eric Foner
The Bloodless Revolution explores four centuries of arguments for vegetarianism, from good health to fascist politics.
Daniel Lazare
Iraq is America's colonial war. Arguments for maintaining colonial rule in India are almost identical to the justifications offered for the continuing presence of US troops in Iraq...
Gary Younge
for Robert Creeley (1926-2005)
What you won't see today:
juniper's tough skein.
Rae Armantrout
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