At the close of the old year this magazine lost three contributors, all distinguished and influential public intellectuals who brought passion and erudition to the search f...
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At the close of the old year this magazine lost three contributors, all distinguished and influential public intellectuals who brought passion and erudition to the search f...
As I followed the initial coverage of the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, I was reminded of a time in the early1980s when I spent some months researching the effects of a nuclear...
If many strangers die all at once, as in the tragedy of the tsunami or the Rwanda massacre or a war like the one in Iraq, it is a moral problem, to be dealt with through polit...
It's a time of sudden hope in the crisis between the Palestinians and Israelis, a weird time of moderation and calls for renewed negotiations.
As the death toll from the tsunami disaster continued to grow, the Bush Administration scrambled to answer widespread criticism that it responded too slowly and with too littl...
I was listening to Morning Edition on December 30, and up came one of those end-of-the-year heart-warmers that's supposed to make you feel there's hope for this old wor...
The new year promises a rich manure of hypocrisy and bad faith.
William Greider and Our Readers and Mike Marqusee
The Chilean coup of 1973 was carried out with a Lone Ranger comic book, a bicycle and several cans of condensed milk.
This past March, on the closing day of an international literary conference held in Krakow, Poland, an elderly woman stood up before hundreds of scholars and admirers gathered...
Affirmative action, in theory, is a matter of distributive justice, which is why liberals and progressives tend to look benevolently on it while conservatives and libertarians...
If many strangers die all at once, as in the tragedy of the tsunami or the Rwanda massacre or a war like the one in Iraq, it is a moral problem, to be dealt with through polit...