Fighting Israel’s Wall
The International Court of Justice has ruled Israel's "Separation Wall" illegal and has called on Israel to dismantle the wall.
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The International Court of Justice has ruled Israel's "Separation Wall" illegal and has called on Israel to dismantle the wall.
This April, in the case of Vieth v. Jubelirer, the Supreme Court came close to burying any hope of curing one of the worst diseases in our ailing democracy--the partisa...
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Media monopolists were dealt a rare setback when the Philadelphia-based US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit blocked implementation of last year's decision by the Federal...
The striking distinction between the Green Party's national gathering in late June and the Democratic and Republican national conventions, which will come later this summer, w...
"A state of war is not a blank check for the President." The Bush Administration's claims "would turn our system of checks and balances on its head." "If civil rights are to b...
With furtive haste, former Coalition Provisional Authority administrator Paul Bremer declared the end of the US occupation at a virtually secret ceremony and bolted for the do...
I had a swell time at Fahrenheit 9/11, Michael Moore's documentary about George Bush's dubious progress from Florida to Iraq.
In the 1960s, the New York Jewish Museum became the unlikely leading venue for contemporary avant-garde art in America.
In a cluster of beach bungalows in Ghana in December 2000, my wife and I encountered the Peace Corps dream.
I had a swell time at Fahrenheit 9/11, Michael Moore's documentary about George Bush's dubious progress from Florida to Iraq.