Print Magazine
July 21-28, 2014 Issue
Cover art by: design by Robert Best
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The One Supreme Court Decision We Can Celebrate
In ruling that police may not search cellphones without a warrant, the Court brought the Fourth Amendment into the twenty-first century.

50 Years After Freedom Summer, America Needs a Revived Movement for Racial Justice
There is much to celebrate in Mississippi, and yet America still needs a year of action on voting rights.

Postcards Post-Stonewall
We can pretend the politics of liberation can be tracked along clearly marked lines, or we can remember that history is like desire.

Where Will the Slippery Slope of ‘Hobby Lobby’ End?
There’s no telling how far religious exemptions will go under Justice Alito’s ruling.
Saving the venerable NYPL… cooperation, not capitalism… a jewel in the dross… you could look it up…
Books & the Arts

How the rhetoric of ecoetiquette muddies writing about global warming.

Sweeter Than the Sweet
For the Staple Singers and Stax Records, political engagement flowed from an artistic renaissance.