Print Magazine
July 22-29, 2013 Issue
Cover art by: design by Robert Best
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A New Strategy for Voting Rights
Activists are already moving ‘from outrage to action’ in fighting the Supreme Court’s awful VRA decision.
John Nichols on a bipartisan resolution on Syria, Eunji Kim on LA’s plastic bag ban


A ‘Feminist Army’ Storms Texas
By refusing to give up on a done deal, Texas feminists showed us what the future of pro-choice activism looks like.
No good deed goes unpunished; smashing the glass ceiling; the dollar rules the world

Chicago Rising!
A resurgent protest culture fights back against Rahm Emanuel’s austerity agenda.

Elizabeth Warren Tackles Wall Street
The reform-minded senator talks tough, and she knows where the bodies are buried.

Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom
I leaned out when I should have leaned in. But the problem is about much more than individual women’s choices.
Books & the Arts

Ground Zero Sum
The architecture of the new World Trade Center buildings emphasizes that their business is none of ours.

Natural Born Killers
Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Act of Killing, Jem Cohen’s Museum Hours, Eliav Lilti’s Israel: A Home Movie, Jerry Bruckheimer’s