Print Magazine
July 3, 2006 Issue
The Editors write that the US should stop bullying the UN, Alexander Cockburn asks why the left is so afraid of the incompetent Karl Rove, S…
Cover art by: Cover design by Peter Ahlberg, photograph by Mic Burns
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It's hard to tell whether the US is conducting a war against terror or
against Native Hawaiians, as the military uses parts of the Waianae
coast as a live-fire training ground.
Mindy Pennybacker
Politics trumped academic integrity when a neocon network torpedoed
the appointment of Mideast scholar and blogger Juan Cole to a faculty
position at Yale.
Philip Weiss
The debunking of a PR agency that circulated a bogus story about persecution of Jews in Iran exposed the moving parts of a media machine bent on preparing the American public...
Larry Cohler-Esses
If the Bush Administration is serious about UN reform, it should
replace Ambassador John Bolton and stop linking payment of dues to
action on reform.
The Editors
Hillary Clinton's dissembling on Iraq has become a fatal embarassment for her presidential ambitions and for anyone who looks to her for leadership.
Robert Scheer
The United States has made no headway quelling the insurgency or rebuilding Iraq, but one secret project is on target: construction of a palatial US Embassy inside the Green Zone. ...
Nicholas von Hoffman
A new generation of student activists is flexing its muscles, rolling
back employment rules in France, demanding education reform in Chile
and fighting for immigrant rights in the ...
Gary Younge
In South Dakota, prochoicers are fighting back with a bipartisan
initiative challenging the abortion ban and a grassroots effort
that has put progressive Native American women on t...
Katha Pollitt
Under Karl Rove's deft hand, Bush has been maneuvered from one
catastrophe to another. Why is the left obsessed with him?
Alexander Cockburn
Lawrenceville, Ga.
Our Readers
Soccer's not for wimps, but Team America and its fans have brought a
decidedly militarist mindset to the World Cup.
Dave Zirin and John Cox
The press that once went hoarse over Monica Lewinsky's dress is largely
silent over the Bush regime's vast abuses of power.
Mark Crispin Miller
After a decade of strategic mergers, impulsive couplings and messy divorces--the birth of new media--this chart shows that national media landscape still bears the oversized foo...
The Nation
With Congress poised to pass legislation that rewrites the Telecom Act,
here are ten action items for a media reform agenda.
Jeffrey Chester
Americans overwhelmingly oppose media consolidation, but the FCC is poised to further relax media ownership rules.
Eric Klinenberg
In the guise of giving us what we want, media giants have created a
culture defined by untrammeled greed, the worship of power and a
ruthless disregard for the public good.
Lakshmi Chaudhry
The fight over media consolidation is anachronistic. Progressives
should focus instead on mastering the tools of new media--it's here,
not in the corporate boardroom, where the new...
Markos Moulitsas
Corporations used to disguise their attempts to masquerade as
"indie," but now they've become invisible to the naked eye.
Ana Marie Cox
National media are increasingly catering to the highly mobile,
globalized, mostly white middle class, leaving those who can't afford
access to slip into a separate and unequal worl...
Ethan Michaeli
The music industry lives in fear of downloadable media, but artists
have the vision to re-engineer our collective psyche.
Paul D. Miller
New forms of participatory media have changed public discourse,
enabling people to publish, share and disseminate their own media
creations. But will only the affluent be able to p...
Rebecca MacKinnon
Fewer minority-owned outlets means fewer minorities in the media. With
such threats to public discourse, what will become of our voices,
points of view and interests?
Makani Themba
The collapse of journalism and the rise of commercialism is sparking a
reform movement that will fight to ensure the First Amendment endures
in the digital age.
Robert W. McChesney
Compliant coverage of the Iraq War proved the news business is morally
compromised, no longer driven by creative people with something to
tell but by global corporations with somet...
Amy Goodman
We don't need to buy a network to get our message out--just creatively
use an array of low-cost tools from the Internet to iPods, cellphones
and whatever comes next.
Robert Greenwald
If the promise of new media is to be fulfilled, progressives must chart
a course of activism that confronts the increasing concentration of
ownership among the Big Media powerhouse...
The Nation
Books & the Arts
A new collection of letters between Rainer Maria Rilke and Lou
Andreas-Salome reveals an intimate portrait of a poet and his muse.
Mark M. Anderson
Reviews of novels by Anne Tyler, Chris Abani, and Rodrigo Fresan.
Ruth Baldwin and Christine Smallwood
When liberals and conservatives discuss the United States' role in the
world, they are really talking about the narcissism of small
differences. Two new books show how both sides s...
David Rieff
Reviews of The Road to Guantanamo and
Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul.
Stuart Klawans
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