Vengeance Is Mine
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Our best legal brains are still scratching their heads about the Supreme Court decision in the Pledge of Allegiance case (see Elisabeth Sifton, " The Editors
We seem to have arrived at another of those bizarre and somewhat surreal moments when the media have "rediscovered" America's evangelicals.
With the recent US setbacks and scandals in Iraq, you'd think the White House would abandon the President's aggressive, unilateralist military policy--the "Bush Doctrine"--and...
If there was ever any doubt, it is now clear that the torture at Abu Ghraib cannot be dismissed as the actions of a few bad actors.
We return this week to the conservative crusade to destroy the reputation of financier and philanthropist George Soros.
As numerous reviewers of the overblown and over-remade remake of The Stepford Wives have pointed out, men do not really want to be married to robots.
A web-only article "An Engaging Encounter" posted on June 21 incorrectly identified the sponsor of a pre-marriage program. Catholic Engaged Encounter had no involvement in t...
For better or worse, there isn't always magic in marriage, but it does involve a certain alchemy.
A forum with Ellen Willis, Martha Fineman, Patricia Hill Collins, Judith Butler, Susan Brownmiller, E.J. Graff, Michael Eric Dyson, Judith Stacey and others.
Jim Weinstein has spent most of his adult life writing about the failures and possibilities of the American left.
Foreign policy is that rare field in which essay-writing matters.
In June 1965 James Farmer, leader of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and longtime champion of Gandhian nonviolence, arrived in Bogalusa, Louisiana, to support a desegre...
Conventional wisdom suggests Israelis and Palestinians are bitter enemies: two sides mired in a century-long conflict marked by violence, hatred and an unbounded reservoir of ...