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With the Bush Administration continuing to fill the federal courts with right-wing judges, liberals have turned with renewed vigor to a strategy that not only allows them to...
At long last, the military appears to be gearing up to try some of the Guantánamo Bay prisoners.
With all the words laundered over the Jayson Blair affair, why is my soul still disquieted? Why do I feel even further from the truth than on the day the journalistic fraud ...
Under cover of darkness in the early morning hours of March 18, Qusay Saddam Hussein carted off nearly $1 billion in hard currency from Iraq's central bank.
The early-bird presidential campaign is under way among Democrats with the usual characteristics.
It is one thing when the talk-show bullies who shamelessly smeared the last President, even as he attacked the training camps of Al Qaeda, now term it anti-American or even tr...
Nothing deepens your cynicism quicker than the power of money in American politics.
The radio went on in the middle of the night and there in my ear was the voice of a young man.
In 1900 Maurice Denis painted a large canvas titled Hommage à Cézanne, which shows the esteemed master next to one of his paintings and surrounded by a ...
As the bombs cease falling on Baghdad, and the world argues over an American presence in Iraq, the publication of Diana Abu-Jaber's funny, thoughtful second novel, Cresce...
Near the end of Parallels and Paradoxes, a recent collection of dialogues on music and society between the conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim, music director of t...
During the harsh New York City winter of 1909-10, 20,000 garment workers marched and picketed to win recognition of their union.
"That was a benefit shooting." So said a shaken Kenneth Koch to a stunned audience seconds after a tall, scraggly man fired a pistol at him on January 10, 1968.
For years it was one of those intriguing asterisk marks in many a great writer's career--a book that might have been but wasn't.
Paul Elie's The Life You Save May Be Your Own is a deft and ambitious four-part biography interweaving the lives of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Walker Percy and Flann...
Somewhere, and it's not in this new Everyman's Library edition, James M. Cain betrayed a state secret when he said that "a writer can only write two hours a day." The truth ...
During the early years of the civil rights revolution, Theodore Bilbo, the ferocious segregationist senator from Mississippi, published a book titled Take Your Choice: Se...
In the deformed, malignant years of the Ayatollah and the mullahs, women in Iran in the 1980s sometimes found subversive ways to mutiny against the cruelties imposed on them...