Morning-After Pill Ban
Emergency contraception has the potential to revolutionize women's relationship to sex and birth control.
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Emergency contraception has the potential to revolutionize women's relationship to sex and birth control.
One of the notable achievements of the indictment issued on May 24 by the UN's International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia--beyond fixing individual responsibili...
"Politics and language," explains the dust jacket on the latest edition of Safire's New Political Dictionary, are "William Safire's two great and abiding interests." Tr...
I'm no fan of the International Criminal Tribunal, for the reasons Doug Lummis outlined in these pages on September 26, 1994, concluding reasonably enough that such a tribuna...
Before I ask you to see Eternity and a Day, I'd better explain something about its director and co-screenwriter, Theo Angelopoulos.
W.H. Auden observed that biographies "are always superfluous and usually in bad taste," but Edward Mendelson's book on him, Later Auden, is neither.
As the presidential election of 1996 got under way, the press began to report that Bill Clinton's campaign strategy was heavily influenced by the advice of a shadowy figure wh...