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June 23, 2003 Issue
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Globalization and GMOs
With the end of the Iraq war, the globalization war is heating up around trade again, this time over the issue of genetically modified food. George W.
Standing Up to the FCC
Even as he condemned the 3-to-2 vote of the Federal Communications Commission to allow media conglomerates to dramatically increase their control over newspapers and radio a...
Taking Aim at Iran
Right-wingers in Washington have begun preparing the ground for US action, perhaps even war, against Iran.
Missing WMD Scandal
"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised," Geo...
Bad Iraq Data From Start to Finish
Americans were duped: Evidence of Administration manipulation and mendacity just keeps rolling in.
Downsizing in Disguise
The streets of Baghdad are a swamp of crime and uncollected garbage. Battered local businesses are going bankrupt, unable to compete with cheap imports.
The New Mobility
A recent article in the Washington Post described some suburban high schoolers preparing for their proms by spending nearly $3,000 to rent an H2 Hummerzine, "complete...
We’re Shocked, Shocked!
It's hard to choose which deserves the coarser jeer: the excited baying in the press about the nondiscovery of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or the wailing about the ...
Books & the Arts
Hell’s Angel
Romeo Dallaire has the name of a silent-movie star and a face to match: clear eyes, ample mustache, chin of cleft granite.
The Believer
A reader knowing nothing of the 1990s might well come away from Sidney Blumenthal's lengthy account of The Clinton Wars with the impression that for eight years, Bill...