Print Magazine
June 27, 2005 Issue
Gore Vidal smells something rotten in Ohio, Nick Nyhart punctures the myth of small-donor clout in 2004 and Deborah Scroggins looks at Musli…
Cover art by: Cover by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels
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House members calling for an Iraq exit strategy move toward the majority as their opponents stay in the minority.
David Sirota
The Editors
Voting irregularities in the 2004 election demonstrate the urgency of election reform.
Gore Vidal
Speculation about Deep Throat is a distraction from the threat of illegal government surveillance.
Victor Navasky
Sending Christopher Cox to the SEC is as shameful as sending
John Bolton to the UN.
The Editors
The White House knew more than it let on as it played the Pat Tillman story for political benefit.
Robert Scheer
The people of Africa, not Western corporations, should benefit from Africa's resources.
Naomi Klein
People who believe in academic freedom should denounce CUNY's treatment of an atheist professor.
Katha Pollitt
India has a billion people in it, and in reality, maybe 2 percent of them get to fly in a plane or go online.
Alexander Cockburn
The California governor's campaign to pass a series of ballot initiatives is off to a rocky start.
Marc Cooper
Tim Robbins discusses Embedded, his play based on the Iraq war.
Abby Aguirre
Opposition to Wal-Mart in a community can invigorate progressive politics and expose entrenched politicians as vision-free hacks.
Liza Featherstone
Progressives should redefine what constitutes an ownership
Gar Alperovitz
The United States should respect international human rights
standards within its own borders.
Alan Jenkins and Larry Cox
Contrary to popular opinion, large donors dominated
fund-raising even more than usual in the 2004 election cycle.
Nick Nyhart
The debate over women and Islam is polarizing Dutch society.
Deborah Scroggins
It is time for a serious solution to the problem of retirement
William Greider
Books & the Arts
What does today's culture of television and video games say
about society?
Russell Jacoby
The US government employed jazz musicians as ambassadors to
the world during the cold war.
Brian Morton
Billie Holiday wasn't just adored by her fans but by her
friends and colleagues as well.
Robert Christgau
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