Kosovo Teach-In
In a sign of mounting opposition to the Clinton Administration's war policies, more than a thousand people participated in a five-hour teach-in on May 23 in Los ...
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In a sign of mounting opposition to the Clinton Administration's war policies, more than a thousand people participated in a five-hour teach-in on May 23 in Los ...
The Kosovo settlement negotiated by the G-8 countries is cause for relief but not celebration.
How will we know when women have achieved equality? Male politicians will all be bachelors.
Only the most dedicated spinmaster at the White House would have the audacity to claim victory as the outcome of the NATO war, especially at this stage.
This spring, two important chapters in the surprising story of Israeli gay and lesbian politics concluded.
In Variety, where industry rumors congeal into analysis and analysis hardens to consensus, the news is bad for filmmakers like Alexander Payne.
"The real money in books was going to be made not by writing or publishing but by buying and selling the publishing companies themselves." Thus Michael Korda writes in his new...
A cluster of concepts that, before the seventies, had together formed the received idea of art and artists came under intense criticism in that decade.
A Wall Street Journal poll of 350 major corporations found that the median compensation, including stock options, for CEOs last year was $2,635,799. That was a growth o...