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March 21, 2005 Issue
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Letter From Ground Zero
One of the most difficult things to judge in the world today is the extent of American power.
Hunter S. Thompson
He said he wanted his ashes shot out of a cannon. "A great funeral" was what he wanted, he told his son. Then he walked into the kitchen and shot himself dead in the head.
Too Young to Die
The immediate outcome of the Supreme Court's 5-to-4 decision in Roper v.
The Cheese Stands Alone
Beijing Plus 10, the follow-up on the momentous 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, is opening at the United Nations as I write, and like other UN gatherings sin...
Dr. Arnold’s Diet: Take a Steroid, Kick a Woman
Back in the early 1990s, the right-wing taste of the year was Newt Gingrich. He led the Republican sweep into Congress in the 1994 midterm elections.
San Francisco
Our Readers and Daniel Lazare and Russell Jacoby
Going Nowhere
In May 2003 the centrist Democratic Leadership Council published its yearly list of "100 New Democrats to Watch." The DLC frequently puts out these lists as a way to publicly ...
Books & the Arts
Rock the Casbah
What might it mean to call a film indispensable? Perhaps not much. At base level, we'd merely be asserting that other films (maybe the vast majority) are candidates for the ga...
American Graffiti
In the works that made him famous, Jasper Johns realized an ancient dream by painting things that overcame the distinction between reality and representation--numerals, for ex...