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March 8, 1999 Issue
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Hillary for Veep?
It is, depending on one's perspective, a delicious and redemptive scenario, a terrible nightmare or, if you are the escapist sort that hasn't yet cottoned to the hard reality...
Affirmative Racism
Students across the country are gearing up to defend affirmative action on a national day of protest on February 24.
Clinton’s Choice
With the impeachment slogfest over, Congressional Democrats, particularly the liberals, once again face the ever-aggravating matter of their thorny relationship with Presiden...
How Hitchens Suckered Himself
Amid the shifting sands of Christopher Hitchens's accounts of and apologias for his bearing witness (deemed false witness by the man he still insists on calling his friend) ag...
Books & the Arts
Room With a View
A man locks his daughters in a one-room house for their first twelve years. The girls--twins--don't attend school; they don't play with other kids. They're never even given a...
Nonsilence = Death, Too?
In seven novels and a collection of essays published since 1981, Sarah Schulman has methodically chronicled the history of her longtime neighborhood, Manhattan's East Village.
So, Is It Back to Bowling Alone?
The scene with which The Good Citizen opens could have been lifted straight from a Norman Rockwell painting.
The Dynasty of Mingus
For the past year and a half, I've been spending most of my time between 1922 and 1979--the years of Charles Mingus's birth and death, since I'm writing his biography, due to ...