Rumsfeld’s Police Secret
In his April 13 press conference, Bush lamented the poor showing of Iraqi security forces in recent clashes with insurgents.
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In his April 13 press conference, Bush lamented the poor showing of Iraqi security forces in recent clashes with insurgents.
Anyone who thinks the contemporary women's movement is dying, over or simply irrelevant will have to think again after yesterday's March for Women's Lives.
On April 20, Solicitor General Ted Olson told the Supreme Court that the federal courts could not question the indefinite detention of "enemy combatants" held at Guantá...
Like dirty money, tainted reputations can be laundered, as the Administration fervently hopes in the case of John Negroponte. Now UN ambassador, Negroponte has been chosen b...
Three decades ago Winston Churchill's grandson asked Ariel Sharon how Israel should deal with the Palestinians. "We'll make a pastrami sandwich out of them," he replied.
Halfway through Tim Russert's hourlong interview with Demo- cratic presidential nominee Senator John Kerry on April 18, there was an exchange that revealed in microcosm some...
"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"
Did you know that since January 1, women in Texas have not been able to obtain abortions from the sixteenth week of pregnancy on?
Few of those who followed the David Irving libel trial held in London three years ago could avoid being struck by the calm but towering presence of the British historian Ric...
Humanism, like democracy, is a word that labors under an excess of meaning. It can mean acknowledging the value of human beings, or denying the existence of God.
Keen to control the flow of information, the Bush political machine has labored day and night to obstruct public oversight of US foreign policy. But the basic reality cannot...