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May 11, 2015 Issue
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Would You Rather Grow Old at Home With Your Family or Alone in a Nursing Home?
How Ai-jen Poo’s radical vision for caregiving could remake our economy along more humane lines.


Have We Seen the End of the 8-Hour Day?
Unpredictable days, part-time work, and digital scheduling—welcome to the new battle over the clock.

States Are Required to Educate Students Behind Bars. Here’s What Really Happens.
Since age 12, Cadeem Gibbs has struggled to reconcile his desire to learn with his incarceration.
Books & the Arts

In Our Orbit: Vigilance
In Eric Foner’s Gateway to Freedom, the Underground Railroad is a network of dignity and defiance.

Clouds of Sils Maria is prolonged debate about the passage of time and the ceaseless rivalry of generations.

Shelf Life
“There is no such thing as not voting” is the faith that Darryl Pinckney grew up in.