Print Magazine
May 13, 2013 Issue
Cover art by: design by Milton Glaser Incorporated
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Is There a Chechen Connection to the Boston Bombings?
It appears the Tsarnaev brothers were self-motivated. But their Salafist extremism was itself one outgrowth of the brutal Chechen wars of independence against Russia.

Terror in Texas
There ought to be a response to violence besides callous indifference and total social warfare.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist (and the Journalist Spy)
Mira Nair's latest film includes a character who's a journalist and CIA agent. Is this responsible filmmaking?
Whistleblowing while you work; jocks’ rape culture; gay marriage: outdated from the start?; Anthony Lewis and Noam Chomsky

A California Town Bleeds From Sequestration’s Cuts
Without its lifeline, a stream of federal aid, Lemoore is in crisis mode—and residents of all political stripes are united in outrage.

How Sequestration Hurts the Homeless
An already-bleak housing and homelessness situation is about to get a lot worse.

Jordan’s Invisible Refugee Crisis
After fleeing violence at home, Syrians struggle to eke out a new life in Jordan’s cities and towns.

Inside America’s Dirty Wars
How three US citizens were killed by their own government in the space of one month in 2011.
Books & the Arts
The Trials of Rafi Segal
In Israel, an architectural competition and its winner have been sabotaged by the bad faith of its sponsors.
Risky Business: On Risk and Individualism
A history of how risk management profits from manufacturing new forms of uncertainty and insecurity.

And Darkness Comes: On Aleksandar Hemon
How did everything a writer had known and loved come violently apart?

Mira Nair’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Terrence Malick’s To the Wonder, Derek Cinfrance’s The Place Beyond the Pines, Brian ...