Why Is NATO Necessary?
We should shrink the alliance’s budget and ambitions and focus on the greatest threat to the West: economic crisis.
Print Magazine
Cover art by: Cover photo of Trina Garnett by Lynn Garnett, design by Milton Glaser Incorporated
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We should shrink the alliance’s budget and ambitions and focus on the greatest threat to the West: economic crisis.
The financial crunch has broken the illusion of stability, exposing a deeper crisis of representation.
As politicians dither, the threat of default spreads from Greece to Spain and Italy.
A spinoff of the King Street Patriots Texas Tea Party, True the Vote aims to have 1 million poll watchers in place by November.
In a city divided by extremes, the festival brings together all kinds of people to cook up something marvelous.
Trina Garnett accidentally set a fatal fire when she was 14. That was in 1976. Could today’s Supreme Court ruling against juvenile life without parole finally bring her ho...
Spending the same money on education, or clean energy, would bring many more jobs—among other benefits.
Has the ICC struck a blow against impunity or heightened tensions—or both?
The former Liberian dictator abetted the atrocities of a proxy army. Henry Kissinger did the same in Indonesia/East Timor.
In a city divided by extremes, the festival brings together all kinds of people to cook up something marvelous.
Why are Yale and other top universities teaching a Grand Strategy seminar if the conditions that seemed to call for grand strategizing no longer exist?
The musician’s posthumous memoir, The Last Holiday, is as rich and ambiguous as his declaration that “The Revolution Will Not be Televised.”