Judging Elena Kagan
Obama's Supreme Court nominee should be "borked."
Print Magazine
Cover art by: Cover design by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels; Illustrations by Igor Kopelnitsky
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America's Pakistan problem is getting worse, not better, on President Obama's watch.
Spring laurels for The Nation, plus Peter Weiss on Rhonda Copeland, and John Nichols on David Obey.
American radicalism has drawn its inspiration from the nation's revolutionary founding claims. Yet to refer to someone as radical is to risk offense.
The Tories want to make budget cuts fast and deep.
Those who most strongly believe that the world is fair are most likely to reconcile their distress about unearned suffering by blaming the victims.
If the boom years failed to lift poor mothers into the middle class, how are they faring now that the middle class is becoming the new poor?
Hit hard by the recession, America's restaurant workers are fighting for a fair deal.
With the Olympics coming to town, the state seeks to reclaim the favelas.
A celebrated US program designed to employ Iraqis is called a “sham” that fed the resistance.
Nick Clegg has taken the Liberal Democrats into government with the Tories, serving as deputy prime minister to David Cameron, a politician he has called "the con man of ...
Kai Bird's Crossing Mandelbaum Gate is a meditation on the collective failure of Israelis and Palestinians to reconcile their histories of loss and victimhood.
In The Age of Wonder, Richard Holmes lucidly charts how the Romantics were as transfixed by the failures of science as they were by its bright accomplishments.
Jonathan Israel's epic defense of "Radical Enlightenment" has the dogmatic ring of a profession of faith.