Cover of November 21, 2005 Issue

Print Magazine

November 21, 2005 Issue

Naomi Klein writes about how indigenous movements are redrawing the map of Latin America, David Corn explains why Special Prosecutor Patrick…

Cover art by: Cover art by Robert Grossman, cover design by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels

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Passing the Torch

Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel takes on the role of publisher and general partner at the magazine, and Victor Navasky becomes publisher emeritus and a member of the mag...

Faith and Fraud

The fictional world created by the Bush Administration over its five years in power is falling to pieces, with the blood-soaked folly in Iraq, a ruined environment, massive corrupt...

Assad on the Brink

The Baathist regime is the most opaque on earth, and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must develop a strategy to save himself and his regime, as the UN investigation of the assasin...

Rise of an Opposition?

As remarkable as the concept may sound after years of Democratic dysfunction, something akin to a two-party system appeared to take shape November 1, the week after Scooter ...

Intolerable Cruelty

If the US is to prevail in the war on terror, we must do it by distinguishing ourselves from the enemy. Torture and degrading treatment are as morally evil as terrorism, because th...

After the Libby Indictment

The CIA leak scandal has revealed the Bush crew's dishonesty and hypocrisy. But don't expect the Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald or Bush to ever explain what really happened.

Showdown on the Court

The nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the US Supreme Court forces the debate the President and the Senate have tried so mightily to avoid: whether the Court should shift decisive...


Lying with Intelligence

A newly declassified Defense Intelligence Agency document discrediting reports of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disproves the Bush Administration's claim that they went to w...

Can We Talk?

Liberals need to find a means to bridge the gap between Americans' belief in liberal solutions and their willingness to trust liberals to enact them.

Genes, Genius, Genies

The right has ushered in a moment of cult celebrity for the pre-born. But let's not be seduced by this idea of personhood. Remember the poor and not-so-perfect post-born children ...


Web Letters

Nation online readers write back on Senate Democrats, lobbyist Jack Abramoff and WNBA star Sheryl Swoopes.


Bringing Down the Bully

The lesson of the defeat in California of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's referendum revolution is this: The American people will not forever be fooled. The negative message of the Re...

The GOP Takes a Beating

As Democrats gloat over two gubernatorial wins and the defeat in California of Gov. Arnold's intiatives, the GOP approaches off-year elections weighed down by Bush's baggage.

This Time, Rove’s Tactics Failed

Democrats celebrate electoral victories in Virginia, New Jersey and California, they shouldn't waste time gloating. They need to find effective candidates like Tim Kaine and Jon Co...

Spin Control at Wal-Mart

A hard-hitting documentary, an embarrassing leaked memo on healthcare and abandonment by customers who don't like its politics. It's getting harder these days for Wal-Mart to put o...

All the King’s Media

The scandals suffocating the Bush Administration seem less like Nixon and Watergate and more like Louis XV and pre-Revolutionary France. They are harbingers of a potent cultural ev...

Before School

San Francisco recently launched universal preschool, designed to make young participants higher earners and better citizens when they reach adulthood. If successful, San Francis...

Toxic Recycling

Recycling electronics using US prison labor is a booming business, with a captive workforce paid pennies per hour for dangerous work that is largely unregulated. The human and en...

On the Wal-Mart Money Trail

As the nation's wealthiest family, the Waltons could be a force for social good. But when they choose to spend their fortune lobbying for pet projects, tax cuts and charter schools...

Books & the Arts

All the King’s Media

The scandals suffocating the Bush Administration seem less like Nixon and Watergate and more like Louis XV and pre-Revolutionary France. They are harbingers of a potent cultural ev...

The True Story of Equiano

Vincent Carretta's Equiano, the African is the complex narrative of a Carolina slave who bought his freedom, married an English woman and published a memoir on his life as a...

The Power of Fear

Jill Lepore's New York Burning paints a realistic portrait of a purported slave rebellion in 1741 and the hysteria that followed, a harrowing lesson of how abusers of power ...

I Wonder As I Wander

Rebecca Solnit's A Field Guide to Getting Lost plumbs the mysteries of losing oneself and finding oneself in the realm of the utter unknown.

About a Girl

Breakfast for Pluto is the upbeat and whimsical fable of a girl in a boy's body. Watching Claire Danes in Shopgirl will make you forget for a while that other actress...

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