Print Magazine
November 26, 2007 Issue
John Nichols on Michael Mukasey, Patricia J. Williams on judicial activism in the US and Pakistan, an Elizabeth Willis poem…
Cover art by: Cover art by Steve Brodner, design by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels
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New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer had a good idea about how to issue driver's licenses to undocumented workers. Too bad he caved.
Andrea Batista Schlesinger and Amy Traub
As the screenwriters strike enters its second week, take a moment to appreciate those without whom late night comics are struck mute, movies are left unmade and on TV, there's no...
Barbara Ehrenreich
Farewell, David Corn, and best of luck in your new venture. Welcome, Christopher Hayes to The Nation's Washington bureau.
The Editors
Pervez Musharraf wraps himself in Lincoln's mantle, but no one is fooled.
Eric Foner
Firms like Blackwater operate in a demand-based industry, and it is this demand that must be cut off.
Jeremy Scahill
Peter Rothberg on extremist judges, Peter C. Baker on Radiohead.
The Editors
If the United States is so keen on spreading democracy and fighting radical Islamists, why does it continue to back a leader who has suspended the Constitution and gone to war with...
Graham Usher
By approving Michael Mukasey's nomination for Attorney General despite his evasions on waterboarding, the Senate has led us all across a dangerous line.
The Editors
One way or another, banks will get taxpayer help to undo the subprime mess, but it won't be cheap. And the rest of us can bank on getting robbed in the process.
Nicholas von Hoffman
Bush's coddling of Pervez Musharraf defies all reason--and bears some unsettling similarity to his own offenses and misteps as President.
Robert Scheer
Official lies have always been with us. But our political life--as depicted by Maureen Dowd, among others--has been poisoned by the even more insidious unrebuttable lie.
Eric Alterman
Contemplating Mukasey, Musharraf and the imprisoned lawyers of Pakistan: how easily a modern liberal democracy can slide into a totalitarian state.
Patricia J. Williams
Readers react--positively and negatively--to design changes in the print edition of The Nation.
Our Readers
The Bush Administration's failed war on terror has stoked the fires it was meant to quench. And in Pakistan, the risk of nuclear terrorism is on the rise.
Jonathan Schell
As Congress grapples with the wave of foreclosures and bankruptcies resulting from the subprime mess, why are some Dems siding with the banks?
Chris Hayes
Ostracized by the Bush Administration, Syria is flirting with rogue status. But if Washington restarts dialogue, there is plenty of room for common ground.
Mohamad Bazzi
A discussion with the author of The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America, the master narrative of our national security myth.
Rashi Kesarwani
Faced with a no-brainer fix to close a tax loophole, Senate Democrats are dithering, caught between the interests of their donors and their voters.
Chris Hayes and Charlie Cray
Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign came under fire over the weekend for planting fake questions at town hall events--and the netroots are on to her
Ari Melber
Is the popular Arabic satellite network becoming more Islamist and sectarian?
Kristen Gillespie
As the nuclear power plant industry tries to leverage the energy crisis, foes of nuclear power are putting a serious crimp in their plans.
Harvey Wasserman
Mainstream media pundits claim she's playing the victim. In fact, she's running like a man, playing out a national fantasy to rescue America.
Susan Faludi
The broadest experience, smart on Iraq.
Rocky Anderson
A visionary candidate for a new America.
Michael Eric Dyson
A farsighted populist and pacifist.
Gore Vidal
An inconvenient truth-teller.
Richard Kim
Strongest on human rights and civil liberties.
Bruce Shapiro
Like FDR, he's the real deal.
Katherine S. Newman
A progressive who can win--and govern.
Ellen Chesler
At a time when too many Democrats are prone to pulling punches, he knows how to throw them. And he has the bruises to show it.
John Nichols
Recent events in the region show how societies can recover from extreme capitalism.
Naomi Klein
Eight Nation contributors make the best case for their candidate.
The Nation
Books & the Arts
A new book by Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint is a tough-love prescription for social change. Why are critics in the black community piling on?
Amy Alexander
Seen, heard and observed on the picket line in Los Angeles as the WGA strike enters its second week.
Annabelle Gurwitch
A discussion with the author of The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America, the master narrative of our national security myth.
Rashi Kesarwani
As the screenwriters strike enters its second week, take a moment to appreciate those without whom late night comics are struck mute, movies are left unmade and on TV, there's no...
Barbara Ehrenreich
A close look at Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reveals a deeply conservative and increasingly bitter man.
Jon Wiener
Edward Said's musical predilections capture the full complexity of the master theorist.
David Schiff
Junot Díaz's masterful new novel maps the ambiguities in the modern immigrant experience in America.
William Deresiewicz
Two new books explore the possibilities and ethical complications of assisted reproductive technology.
Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow
Pervez Musharraf wraps himself in Lincoln's mantle, but no one is fooled.
Eric Foner
Peter Rothberg on extremist judges, Peter C. Baker on Radiohead.
The Editors
Welcome to our treasured island
seized from the tribe
of enemy combatants
who nursed us through
the winter of 1642.
Elizabeth Willis
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