Cover of November 28, 2005 Issue

Print Magazine

November 28, 2005 Issue

John Nichols and Marc Cooper analyze big wins by Democrats in Virginia, New Jersey and California, Bob Moser assesses John Edwards’s p…

Cover art by: Cover by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels

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Joe Biden buoys up Samuel Alito's nomination by tamping down speculation of a filibuster. But California's George Miller convinced the President to revoke an executive order that w...

Arnold Show: Canceled

Buoyed by their defeat of Schwarzeneggar's "referendum revolution," Democrats and organized labor are now energized to defeat the governor's re-election bid next year.

Yes, Virginia…

Democratic gubernatorial wins in Virginia and New Jersey gave the lie to the GOP contention that "conservatism is on the march." But infighting among Dems doomed electoral reform i...

The Delphi Oracle

The cynical restructuring plan for bankrupt Delphi Automotive calls for massive wage and benefit givebacks for 51,000 American workers. Governors of affected states must craft stra...


The Big Lie Technique

As President Bush denounces his critics and proclaims war without end in Iraq the central front in a new cold war, he fails to acknowledge that he is responsible for handing Al Qae...

The World According to Dowd

Maureen Dowd has done her best to declare feminism dead. But by insisting that men are scared of spunky successful women, it doesn't occur to her that she is promoting, rather than...



The ‘No Exit’ Strategy

Most Americans want immediate action to pull out of Iraq, but Senate Republicans passed a measure today that essentially lets the White House off the hook.

War of Words in France

As media attention focused on rampaging youths setting afire the poor suburbs of France, verbal conflagrations raged among politicians and elected officials on how to respond to th...

What Would Alito Do?

If Samuel Alito is confirmed to the US Supreme Court, his impact on limiting reproductive rights would be certain and swift, due to his record and to two key abortion rights cases ...

Darwin on Trial

As the site of a trial on including intelligent design in biology textbooks, Dover, Pennsylvania, is a focal point of a national debate on science and religion. But a look at the t...

Cornbread and Roses

With his campaign to eradicate poverty in America, John Edwards has shed his Clinton Lite image. But to truly redefine the Democratic party and win the 2008 presidency, he has a lo...

Why Is France Burning?

Fires and rioting in France are the result of thirty years of government neglect and the failure of the French political classes to make any serious effort to integrate Muslim and ...

Germ Boys and Yes Men

Stewart Simonson is a former Amtrak corporate attorney with zero medical experience. So why is he in charge of emergency health and bioterrorism in the federal government?

Books & the Arts

From Beirut to Damascus

Four works trace the intertwined history of Lebanon and Syria and the interplay of political radicalism, military strength and miseries of war and murderous political intrigue.

Postcards From the Abyss

Anthony Shadid's Night Draws Near is a moving account of life in Iraq before and after the US occupation. Liberal hawk George Packer's The Assasins' Gate delves into ...

The World According to Dowd

Maureen Dowd has done her best to declare feminism dead. But by insisting that men are scared of spunky successful women, it doesn't occur to her that she is promoting, rather than...

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