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November 8, 1999 Issue
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The Unthinkable
When the Republican majority in the Senate voted down the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty on October 13, President Clinton called their act "partisanship at its worst." The W...
Banning the Ban
The Senate Republicans' shameful rejection of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was the work of a core of hard-line conservatives led by Senator Jesse Helms.
Fashion Statements
October is here, and once again it's time for post-season playoffs, foliage and fashion magazines thicker than the Old Testament with seasonal guidance for the young and vogui...

Books & the Arts
Rough and Tumble
Begin with a cluster of molecules in the void. The camera zooms away from them, sucking you back through some dim anatomical corridor.
Our Monumental Mistakes
To the surprise of historians themselves, history--or at least its public presentation--has become big business.