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As a law school dean, I was much taken with a statement from Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's landmark opinion in the University of Michigan case: "Law schools represent the tr...
If you want to read everything The Nation has ever published on civil liberties and privacy, click here for ...
I did a double take when I got to the eighth paragraph of the Washington Post's eleven-paragraph August 21 news story on Kathy Boudin's parole.
The media shorthand for retired Gen. Wesley Clark's much-anticipated presidential candidacy made him the "antiwar warrior," a military man fully aware of the folly of George...
He's still misleading. Speaking at the United Nations on September 23, George W.
We live in interesting times. These days we can all pretty much acknowledge that race does not exist as a scientific construct; these days, we can all agree that racism is w...
Let's start with a passage from Alan Dershowitz's latest book, The Case for Israel, now slithering into the upper tier of Amazon's sales charts.
They are bicycling into the sun.
He has a dhoti on under his coat
and a briefcase with LYRIC
marked in big letters.
The setting is a one-room schoolhouse, which is momentarily unoccupied except for a pair of turtles.
A refugee from Nazism and a distinguished New York psychoanalyst, Sandor Rado had thought long and deeply about Hitler's takeover of Germany. Years ago, the writer Otto Frie...
On a hot, dusty summer day in 1998, I drove with friends from Smolensk to the village of Zagor'e to meet Ivan Tvardovsky, a survivor of Stalin's forced-labor camps and the b...