What’s at Stake in the UAW Strike
With so much riding on the outcome, it's time for labor and its supporters—from the White House to the grass roots—to play for keeps.
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Cover art by: Lily Qian
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With so much riding on the outcome, it's time for labor and its supporters—from the White House to the grass roots—to play for keeps.
In the absence of a serious insurgent challenger for the presidency, we must mobilize independently.
I went to Chile for the anniversary of the 1973 coup to trace the country's painful history—and my own.
College tuition and fees have metastasized, hitting an average of nearly $11,000 a year for in-state students who attend public four-year institutions.
While Republicans threaten to bring the government to a halt, Democrats are caving in to the austerity measures they demand.
The GOP may have a diverse crop of primary candidates this election, but they all know that to win they need to appeal to racially resentful white voters.
These New Yorkers want to transform the September 11 museum, but can it be anything other than a purveyor of War on Terror propaganda?
While most celebrity goldbugs are on the far right—Steve Bannon, Glenn Beck, Candace Owens, Ron Paul…—Democrats are not immune from the strange charms of this economic delusion.
With the liberals thoroughly outmatched, the upcoming term will not be a battle between right and left—it will be a battle between shades of extremism.
Like my patients, he was on life support—but from my body rather than machines.
In her new book, a case of mistaken identity reveals how life online and off has become more and more polarized.
Tolerance, rigor, open-mindedness, and a willingness to countenance doubt and contradiction apparently are all values the magazine champions in theory but tends to ignore in practice.
David KlionIn Threshold, the poet revisits a city that transformed her and a generation of radical artists and intellectuals.
An enigmatic new novel retells a disorienting story about death, love, the Civil War, and everything in-between.