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The following solicitation from the Republican Committee to Re-elect the President (GOP-CREEP) reached us by mistake.
Dear Friend of the Presid...
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The following solicitation from the Republican Committee to Re-elect the President (GOP-CREEP) reached us by mistake.
Dear Friend of the Presid...
Senator John Kerry has promised a revision of Clinton-era trade policies to insure that future agreements contain stronger, enforceable labor and environmental standards.
Now that a summerlong Homeland Security crackdown along the Arizona border is concluding, the results are in and they spell lethal failure.
The thing that really galls Ralph Nader is not that so many of his prominent 2000 campaign supporters are now actively campaigning for Democrat John Kerry.
As he prepares to debate Halliburton CEO turned Vice President Dick Cheney, Senator John Edwards would do well to study up on his Harry Truman.
It is difficult for members of the US Senate, where even the best are uncommonly proud, to admit that they are not always in the know. Perhaps that explains why Sen.
One problem with trying to write critically about this year's election coverage is that by choosing any single aspect of its manifold failures, one automatically does an injus...
It is exasperating listening to the news as we approach this most important election. The coverage is all about comparing the length of the candidate's sentences. How many big...
Fussing repetitively with a lock of blond hair, nervously flashing an incomplete set of front teeth, the figure on screen begins to cough up her "testimony" in the accents of ...
The reviewer's galley of Natasha, David Bezmozgis's short-story collection about a Russian émigré family in Toronto, begins with words not from the writer...
The question has been asked: Was Franz Kafka human? He seems to have had doubts himself.
In the largest exodus in recorded history, millions of refugees migrated across the brand new border after India was partitioned in 1947.