Print Magazine
October 24, 2005 Issue
In a photo-essay, David Bacon explores the impact of guest-worker programs on indigenous peoples of Central America, Michael Klare warns of…
Cover art by: Cover art from "Line Up," an installation by Nora Ligorano and Marshall
Reese, cover design by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels
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Corporate power and money control our lives and our
politics as never before. As the Senate Judiciary Committee prepares for Harriet Miers's
nomination hearings, here are ten lega...
Morton Mintz
Conservatives have undermined the credibility of the United Nations by
exposing corruption in its oil-for-food program. But the inquiry led by
Paul Volcker didn't look at the misha...
Ian Williams
Recent rulings upholding the right of the executive branch to jail and try terror suspects in military tribunals raise questions about whether the judiciary can keep presidential p...
David Cole
War hero and former NFL star Pat Tillman was not the GI Joe icon
created by Pentagon spinmeisters. He was a fiercely independent thinker
convinced that the war in Iraq was illegal....
Dave Zirin
Tom DeLay's indictments open the door for Congress to overhaul current
lobbying laws and fix the broken system of campaign finance,
redistricting and electoral laws that foster mis...
The Editors
Democrats have a chance to stand up for competence, civil liberties and
the integrity of the Supreme Court by challenging Harriet Miers's lack
of credentials and blocking Bush from...
The Editors
An endorsement from James Dobson is scary enough, but the vituperative attack on Harriet Miers by the right raises other questions about why some conservatives are agitated about h...
Robert Scheer
As the Bush Administration's incompetence turns Iraq into a terrorist
training camp, Americans should look to FDR, who waged war for
unavoidable threats, not ideology, while still ...
Eric Alterman
The Wicked Witch stomps in his defense and the wise old tortoise
explains his reasoning. But Mother Courage knows the truth behind
William Bennett's racist comments.
Patricia J. Williams
From the beginning, the Iraq War has been driven by perceptions. Why do mainstream media continue to avoid reporting that a majority of Iraqis want US occupation forces to leave?
Tom Hayden
Geophysicists are debating whether recent catastrophic storms signal an
abrupt climate change that will trigger seasons of permanent
icelessness in the Atlantic and return the eart...
Mike Davis
When the FBI hunted down and killed one of its most wanted fugitives in September, outrage over the botched operation may have energized the Puerto Rican independence movement.
Félix Jiménez
The Bush Administration's stance on China has gone from worry about
their economic strength and oil consumption to full-on preparation for
a new cold war.
Michael T. Klare
People of the Gulf Coast should build community networks to ensure they
have a voice in rebuilding discussions usually limited to real-estate
developers and government officials.
David Dyssegaard Kallick
The Gulf Coast hurricanes could dislodge decades-long conservative
domination of US politics, but only if Democrats offer an alternative
vision of government and society to voters.
Robert L. Borosage
Guest worker programs are a threat to the communities Central American
migrants forge as they sweep across the US. These programs undermine
the economic rights of immigrants and na...
David Bacon
Stocks crash and housing prices tend to go down with a whisper. But a disturbing number of signs now point to a sudden burst of the real estate bubble.
Nicholas von Hoffman
Books & the Arts
A History of Violence examines one man's attempt to protect his family from the murderers drifting into his small Indiana town. Good Night, and Good Luck presents a p...
Stuart Klawans
For prose scholar Viktor Shklovsky, who lived by the
code of style and studied its depths, an unhappy love affair can be as
much a personal tragedy as a plot device for more writin...
Elif Batuman
Critics have been trumpeting Benjamin Kunkel as the
voice of his generation. But his first novel, Indecision, about
a 28-year-old empty vessel, is little more than an empty...
Mark Lotto
As Asian countries grow in economic power, Africa lags behind the developed world. Can it ever catch up? Will corruption, geography and disease continue to hold it back?
Andrew Rice
As the Bush Administration's incompetence turns Iraq into a terrorist
training camp, Americans should look to FDR, who waged war for
unavoidable threats, not ideology, while still ...
Eric Alterman
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