Print Magazine
October 30, 2006 Issue
The Editors skewer new Labor Department rules, Peter Plagens considers the limits of public art, William D. Hartung argues for a new securit…
Cover art by: Cover photograph by Christian Parenti, design by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels
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If Nobel Prize-winning novelist Orhan Pamuk is a political writer, it is by virtue of his sympathy for what is old and faded, for what no longer matters, or what never did.
Maria Margaronis
The Swedish Academy bestowed this year's Nobel Peace Prize to Muhammad Yunus, the father of microcredit. It's easy to believe Yunus's low-interest loans to the poor are a silver b...
Walden Bello
OK, market forces control oil prices. But market forces--with a lot of push from Republicans--are driving down the price of gas. And you can be sure they'll rise again after the el...
Nomi Prins
If Israel is to fulfill the Zionist vision of being a state like any
other, it must take responsibility for the ever-more explosive Middle
Arno Mayer
The killing of Anna Politkovskaya has rallied her journalistic
colleagues and fellow citizens in a way few other recent events have.
Katrina vanden Heuvel
South Korea's quiet-spoken and principled Ban Ki-moon, who has just been nominated to replace Kofi Annan as the UN Secretary General, may find it difficult to confront US unilatera...
Ian Williams
Bush's NLRB has redefined what it means to be a supervisor, and as a
result some 8 million healthcare, construction and manufacturing workers
no longer have the right to organize. ...
The Editors
A forgetful world was reminded this week that Kim Jong Il now holds in
his hand the same pitiless weapon possessed by a growing number of
Jonathan Schell
The carnage the US has visited upon Iraq in the name of fighting terror has taken more than 600,000 lives. We are not building democracy, we are creating mayhem.
Robert Scheer
Bring back Saddam. Spring him from the slammer and put the old dictator back to work. Otherwise, we're never gonna get out of Iraq.
Nicholas von Hoffman
How can the MSM maintain they hold themselves to higher standards than
the Drudge-driven political blogosphere when they ape its most
irresponsible practices?
Eric Alterman
A right-wing radio host on the vanguard of the English Only movement
provides a platform for religious crazies to keep them from ruining the
funeral of murdered Amish girls.
Patricia J. Williams
The United States may well have its way and exclude Venezuela from the UN Security Council, in retribution for Hugo Chávez's diabolical roast of George W. Bush. But doesn't ...
Ian Williams
Democratic House candidates who once were long shots now have a crack at winning. Will party power-brokers lend them a hand?
Ari Melber
The Google/YouTube merger is not just a big media deal: It's the leading
edge of a data-driven marketing system that will follow our every move
and immerse us in interactive market...
Jeffrey Chester
How will the GOP woo back values voters after the Foley scandal? How
about a purge of gay Republicans in Congress? That's the Rev. Don
Wildmon's idea.
Max Blumenthal
The failure of Bush's foreign policy should open the way for Democrats to
present substantial alternatives and rethink what makes us safe. Sadly,
that is not happening.
William D. Hartung
Despite the split following the 2004 election, labor groups are gearing
up for the November elections like never before.
David Moberg
If Democrats take control of the House, they could revitalize national politics by convincing reluctant senators and presidential candidates to embrace a more
progressive agenda.
William Greider
Even if the United States has the will to do the hard work necessary to
rebuild Afghanistan, there are few signs that senior Administration
officials are engaged.
David Corn
If the corruption of Karzai's government is Afghanistan's new cancer,
then the Taliban are increasingly seen as chemotherapy: an unpleasant
but necessary remedy.
Christian Parenti
Books & the Arts
Four new books explore the impact of Bush appointees on the newly
politicized Supreme Court and the power they wield over our
public and private lives.
Herman Schwartz
Sandy Tolan’s The Lemon Tree is a novelistic account of two intertwined lives, one Palestinian and one Jewish, and a house with two histories.
Roane Carey
Two books on art controversies and arts funding in America explore how and
when taxpayer money can be used to support public art.
Peter Plagens
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