Nation Notes
Patricia J. Williams returns to our pages this week with a tough analysis of Justice Antonin Scalia's faith-based jurisprudence.
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Patricia J. Williams returns to our pages this week with a tough analysis of Justice Antonin Scalia's faith-based jurisprudence.
Shannon O'Brien had advantages going into the campaign for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in Massachusetts. As the state treasurer, she'd won a statewide race.
When George W. Bush isn't peddling war, he's been goading the Senate to join the Republican House in passing pension reform.
We're trying to survey all the many good ideas being tried outside the range of the Beltway pundits. So tell us about any local, state or municipal initiative in your area that ...
One year later, September 11 has certainly lived up to the early claim of being a transformative moment, at least for Americans.
Shortly after September 11, Dan Rather--or "El Diablo" as he is known to conservatives--appeared on Letterman and announced, "George Bush is the President, he makes the deci...
I saw a puzzling banner on the door of a restaurant the other day. It was a flag flanked by two aphorisms: God bless America and America bless God.
When Len Bias died of a cocaine overdose back in 1986 Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan raced each other to show the world who could punish the poor quickest and hardest.
By Jonathan Carroll.
Oxford. 384 pp pp. $$24.95.
On September 17, PBS aired Darkness at High Noon: The Carl Foreman Documents. On the surface, this documentary is a posthumous homage to a worthy blacklisted screenwr...
"Felisberto Hernández is a writer like no other," Italo Calvino announced once, "like no European, nor any Latin American.
That the abused child will defend its parent is no arcane phenomenon of child psychology--hell, we've seen it on Law and Order.
Legendary New York Times obit writer Alden Whitman once observed, "Death, the cliché assures us, is the great leveler; but it obviously levels some a great dea...