How the New Black Activists Are Fighting Back in Ferguson
Young leaders are taking advantage of digital media to advance the conversation about police violence.
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Cover art by: illustration by Dan Reisman
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Young leaders are taking advantage of digital media to advance the conversation about police violence.
We must face the true causes of the chasm between white and black America.
“Like Nelson Mandela, we must be willing to embrace the long walk toward freedom.”
He was a passionate purist in his prose, his populist politics and his expectations of others and himself.
A vote for Teachout is a demand for a more progressive, ideas-driven politics.
Despite his best efforts to be the embodiment of respectability, it turns out Barack Obama is a role model for resistance.
Who wants pot to be illegal?… BDS: every little bit helps… on the beach… son of Deadline Poet…
Black girls face daunting odds, too. Why does My Brother’s Keeper neglect their struggles?
Fallacies of US policy may be leading to war with Russia.
Hackers are transforming an ancient city into a prototype for the future.
Marcelo Gleiser wants to heal the rift between humanists and scientists by deflating scientific dreams of establishing final truths.